- From www.coursera.org
Social Media in Public Relations

- Self-paced
- Free Access
- 4 Sequences
- Introductive Level
Course details
- Week 1 - Introduction to Social Media in Public Relations
Welcome! In this module, you will get a brief overview of the social media landscape and where and how social media fits into business environment as well as some social media trends. We will then look at the relationship between traditional and social media, ... - Week 2 - Using Social Media for Engagement and Relationship Management
In the first module, you were introduced to the concepts of interactivity and participation. Now you will learn more about how social media allows you to harness this interactivity and propensity for participation for engagement and relationship management. So... - Week 3 - Content Creation and Management
In this third module, we will talk about content creation and management. Here we look at the different forms of content and what makes content go viral. We will also explore the changing nature of media relations as well as how to harness the power of crowdso... - Week 4 - Research and Evaluation
It is vital as we conduct our social media activities that we know what worked well and what did not, as well as what needs to be changed and improved. This brings us to the last module in which we will discuss the different ways that we can evaluate and measu...
- Tracy Loh, Visiting Fellow
Department of Communications and New Media
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