Defeating Busy

Defeating Busy

14 h
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  • 7 sequências
  • Introductive Level

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Detalhes do curso

Programa de Estudos

Chapter 1: Why Is Estimating And Managing Your Time Important?

An introduction to what we will cover in the course and why it’s being covered. Will include examples of the outcomes of good and bad time management, and how it can affect projects and your personal time.

Chapter 2: Estimating Your Time On Projects

Knowing just how long something will take you might seem impossible. It’s not! With the use of simple work breakdown tactics, very basic project planning-and even the use of some historical data-you can come up with a pretty solid estimate. This section will present a process for dissecting how much time you will need to accomplish discrete tasks-for research, UX design, visual design, and development.

Chapter 3: A Sample Freelance Gig

Brett walks through a real-world scenario of a designer estimating how much time it will take to design and build a small business website

Chapter 4: Tracking Your Time

This will be a quick lesson on best practices for setting up and tracking your time using the time tracking mechanism of your choice. We’ll cover selected apps and features and recommendations on usage.

Chapter 5: The To-Do List Is Your New BFF

You'll learn why you should record and track all of your tasks, large and small. You'll also discover tactics for meaningfully prioritizing your to-do list items. This section will also cover a review of a few to-do list applications that might help you manage your tasks and time.

Chapter 6: Solid Communication

The foundation to doing anything successfully in life is grounded in solid communications practices. This section will offer guidance on how you can best communicate with your team, and how those communications can improve how you plan and use your working time.

Chapter 7: Conclusion

Brett recaps the topics you have covered and sends you on your way to defeat busy!




Brett Harned

Brett Harned is a digital project management consultant, writer, and speaker from Philadelphia, PA and founder of the Digital PM Summit, a conference for Digital Project Managers. His most recent role was as the Vice President of Project Management at Happy Cog (Philadelphia). During his tenure at Happy Cog, Brett worked with, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Delaware Valley College, Monotype Imaging, MTV, and others.

Prior to joining Happy Cog, Brett served as Senior Project Manager at Razorfish. There, he managed large multi-disciplinary teams focused on creating digital strategies for companies such as Wyeth Pharmaceuticals and Aetna. Brett blogs about the trials, tribulations, and triumphs of project management at


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Pourquoi gratuit? L'apprentissage tout au long de la vie est au cœur des valeurs culturelles d'Aquent et trouve son chemin dans presque toutes nos stratégies d'affaires. Parce que nous avons toujours su qu'il existe un lien clair entre l'apprentissage et l'avancement professionnel, Gymnasium a été créé pour servir à la fois nos talents et nos clients pour répondre à la demande de professionnels qualifiés. À ce jour, des centaines de nouveaux professionnels certifiés ont été placés dans des rôles avec nos clients.


Aquent Gymnasium offre gratuitement des cours en ligne pour les professionnels du numérique, créatifs et en communication pour les équiper avec des compétences en demande et faire progresser leur carrière.

Pourquoi gratuit? L'apprentissage tout au long de la vie est au cœur des valeurs culturelles d'Aquent et trouve son chemin dans presque toutes nos stratégies d'affaires. Parce que nous avons toujours su qu'il existe un lien clair entre l'apprentissage et l'avancement professionnel, Gymnasium a été créé pour servir à la fois nos talents et nos clients pour répondre à la demande de professionnels qualifiés. À ce jour, des centaines de nouveaux professionnels certifiés ont été placés dans des rôles avec nos clients.

Este conteúdo é classificado como 3.5 de 5
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Este conteúdo é classificado como 3.5 de 5
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