Will China Rise as a Disruptive Force? The Insiders’ Perspective

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  • Part 1 : China’s worldview, what makes China unique, challenges China is facing and how the country may overcome these
  • Part 2 : History of China’s development over the past 100 years, political issues that China is facing, and self-corrective mechanisms in China’s political system.
  • Part 3 : History of China’s foreign policy, how China’s diplomacy has evolved and factors that determine China’s current foreign policy strategy.




David Daokui Li
Mansfield Freeman Chair Professor of Economics, School of Economics and Management
Tsinghua University

Wang Hui
Changjiang Professor of Literature & History, School of Humanities
Tsinghua University

Yan Xuetong
Professor of International Relations, Department of International Relations
Tsinghua University


清华大学是位于北京的一所中国大学,被认为是中华人民共和国最负盛名的大学之一。1911 年成立之初,它是一所为希望到美国大学攻读研究生的学生开办的预备学校。

1925 年,清华发展成为一所大学,现在提供四年制本科学位(学士学位)和研究生学位(硕士学位和博士学位)。


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