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Viral Outbreaks and Pandemics : a One Health Approach

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- 8 序列
- 等级 高级
- 从12 二月 2024开始
- 以9 四月 2024结束
Chapter 1 : History and definitions
1-1 What are emerging infectious diseases ?: Arnaud Fontanet. (iP)
1-2 Emerging and reemerging viruses: Antoine Gessain. (IP)
1-3 The one health approach of emerging infectious diseases: Stephan Zientara (ENVA)
Chapter 2 : Animal reservoirs and Zoonoses
2-1 Introduction : analyze the main wild-life reservoirs and the mode of transmissions, indirect or direct, of emerging viruses to humans: Sophie Le Poder (ENVA)
2-2 Apes and link to HIV, HTLV, Ebola: Antoine Gessain (IP)
2-3 Human-nonhuman primate contact as a driver of viral emergence: Tamara Gilles-Vernick (IP)
2-4 Bats and link to Ebola, Nipah, Hendra and beta-coronaviruses: Meriadeg Le Gouil (Univ Caen)
2-5 Avian influenza viruses and link to flu pandemics: Jean-Claude Manuguerra. (IP)
2-6 Sylvatic cycles of arboviruses and link to urban transmission: Anne Lavergne. (IP Guyanne)
2-7 Changes in climate, deforestation, and natural disasters : Joacim Rocklöv (Univ Umea – Sweden)
Chapter 3 : Virologic molecular mechanisms of emergence
3-1 The multiple molecular mechanisms that contribute to virus adaptability, virulence, and emergence: Esteban Domingo (Univ Madrid)
3-2 Newly identified viruses at interfaces between reservoirs/vectors/humans: Marc Eloit (IP)
3-3 Molecular determinants of emergence of influenza A viruses : Sylvie van de Werf (UPC)
3-4 Molecular determinants of emergence of human beta-coronaviruses: Sylvie van der Werf (UPC)
3-5 Molecular determinants of adaptation of arboviruses to new Aedes vectors: Anna-Bella Failloux (IP)
Chapter 4 : Environmental and social factors of epidemic spread.
4-1 Increased movement of people, animals, and goods: François Gary & Chloé Le Gall-Ladevèze (Phylum, Colomiers)
4-2 Influence of urban dynamics: Pascal Handschumarer (Univ Strasbourg)
4-3 Expansion of Aedes aegypti and albopictus: Anna-Bella Failloux (IP)
4-4 Role of infections and transfusion in viral epidemics spread: Arnaud Fontanet (IP)
Chapter 5 : Pandemics
5-1 AIDS : Yazdan Yazdanpanah (UPC-ANRS)
5-2 Influenza : Sylvie van der Werf (UPC)
5-3 Ebola : Denis Malvy (Univ Bordeaux)
5-4 Zika : Arnaud Fontanet (IP)
5-5 SARS, MERS & COVID-19 : Arnaud Fontanet (IP)
5-6 Monkeypox : Antoine Gessain (IP)
Chapter 6 : Preparedness
6-1 Global surveillance – animals: Chadia Wannous (WOAH)
6-2 Global surveillance- humans – IHR – GOARN: Sylvie Briand – WHO)
6-3 Global surveillance - vectors: Norbert Becker (Univ Heidelberg)
6-4 Early intervention – CIBU: Jean-Claude Manuguerra (IP)
6-5 Modeling of early epidemic dynamics: Simon Cauchemez (IP)
6-6 Pathogen discovery tools: Nolwenn DHEILLY (IP)
6-7 Developing new vaccines against emerging viruses – CEPI: Brigitte Autran (SU-COVARS)
6-8 Anticipating social behaviours during pandemics: Anna Friedler (EHESP)
6-9 From Science to Politics: Didier Houssin (OMS-APHP International)
This MOOC is intended for biology students, from the undergraduate to the graduate level, doctors, teachers, researchers, and more generally for all those interested in emergent infectious diseases. A good scientific level is recommended to follow this MOOC (Bachelor of Science).
Pierre-Emmanuel Ceccaldi
Director of the MOOC, Pierre-Emmanuel Ceccaldi is Professor at Université Paris Cité and Team Leader in the Epidemiology and Pathophysiology of Oncogenic Viruses Unit, Institut Pasteur. He is the co-director of the Fundamental Virology course at the Institut Pasteur. His work is focused on the interactions of different viruses with host barriers (blood-brain barrier, intestinal barrier…), and neuromuscular system.
Arnaud Fontanet
Director of the MOOC, Arnaud Fontanet is Director of the Epidemiology of Emerging Diseases Unit at the Institut Pasteur and Professor of Health and Development at the CNAM. He has a doctorate in medicine (Université Paris V) and in public health (Harvard University).
Jean-Pierre Vartanian
Director of the MOOC, Jean-Pierre Vartanian is Associate Professor at Institut Pasteur in the Virology Department. He is the co-director of the Fundamental Virology course at the Institut Pasteur. His work is focused on identifying restriction factors involved in viral replication and the role of cellular RNA/DNA editing enzymes with antiviral activity against a range of human pathogens.
Stephan Zientara
Director of the MOOC, Stéphan Zientara was awarded a doctorate in veterinary medicine in 1987 and a university doctorate in 1995, obtaining his HDR in 2001. Stéphan Zientara is Director of the Anses Animal Health Laboratory in Maisons-Alfort (France), Director of the European Union Reference Laboratory for Equine Diseases and Deputy Director of the European Union Reference Laboratory for Foot and Mouth Disease.
Laurie Pinaud
Community manager of the MOOC. Laurie Pinaud holds a PhD in microbiology and an MPH in epidemiology and public health. She took part in 2015 in the response to the Ebola epidemic outbreak in West Africa with the Pasteur Institute task force. Since 2020, she is a clinical research project manager within the Emerging diseases epidemiology unit of the Pasteur Institute, where she coordinates COVID-19 studies.
巴斯德研究所(Institut Pasteur)是一家位于巴黎的非营利性法国私人基金会,致力于生物学、微生物、疾病和疫苗研究。
巴斯德研究所成立于 1888 年,由国际公众募捐建立,以其创始人和首任所长路易-巴斯德1 的名字命名,1885 年,巴斯德研制出第一支狂犬病疫苗。
一个多世纪以来,巴斯德研究所一直站在抗击传染病的最前沿。1983 年,这个国际研究机构率先分离出人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV),即导致获得性免疫缺陷综合症(艾滋病)的病毒。多年来,该组织的革命性发现使医学得以控制白喉、破伤风、肺结核、脊髓灰质炎、流感、黄热病、流行性鼠疫、乙型肝炎和艾滋病等烈性疾病。

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