- 来自www.futurelearn.com
Ultrasound is an easy and quick technique to visualize structures inside the human body. It is a relatively harmless and accessible technique. It has been used for decades in medical practice. With current technology developments, new possibilities in ultrasound imaging are arising that may improve diagnostics. However, ultrasound can only be correctly performed, or its clinical performance can only be improved when users have a profound knowledge of the underlying technology. Understand ultrasound imaging from three perspectives This free online course is based on three major perspectives: Medical perspective: In Week 1 we will examine the versatile use of ultrasound imaging for medical purposes. Technical perspective: In Weeks 2 to 4 we will explain the underlying technology of ultrasound imaging. Technical medical perspective: In Weeks 5 and 6 we will apply your newly acquired technical background knowledge of ultrasound to make better images. After this course you will have a good understanding of the technology of ultrasound imaging, and you can apply this knowledge in examples of ultrasound use in the clinic.
- Wiendelt Steenbergen
- Jordy van Zandwijk
FutureLearn est une plate-forme d'apprentissage proposant des formations en ligne ouvertes à tous (MOOC)
Fondée en Décembre 2012, la société est entièrement détenue par l'Open University à Milton Keynes, en Angleterre.
Elle est la 1ère plateforme offrant des MOOC au Royaume-Uni, avec à son actif plus d'une cinquantaine d'universités partenaires provenant du Royaume Uni mais aussi du reste du monde.
FutureLearn se différencie également par des partenariats avec des entités non-universitaires comme le British Museum, le British Council, la British Library et la national Film and Television School.
