Successful Negotiation: Essential Strategies and Skills

Successful Negotiation: Essential Strategies and Skills

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Week 1 Welcome to Successful Negotiation!

  • Introduction and Overview

Week 2 Prepare: Plan Your Negotiation Strategy

  • Should I Negotiate?

  • Position Based and Interest Based Negotiation

  • A Dispute Resolution or Deal Making Negotiation?

  • Analyzing the Negotiation

  • Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement

  • Cross-Cultural Negotiations

  • Ethical Issues and Standards

  • Agents

Week 3 Negotiate: Use Key Tactics for Success

  • Getting to Know the Other Side and Using Power in Negotiations

  • Psychological Tools: Introduction and Mythical Fixed Pie Assumption

  • Anchoring, Overconfidence, and Framing

  • Availability, Escalation, Reciprocation, Contrast Principle, and Big Picture Perspective

Week 4 Close: Create a Contract

  • About Contract Law

  • Creating Contracts

  • Business vs. Legal Objectives in Contracting

Week 5 Perform and Evaluate: The End Game

  • Dispute Prevention

  • ADR Concepts and Tools

  • Arbitration

  • Mediation

  • Contract Performance Review and Evaluation

Week 6 Practice Your Negotiation Skills

  • Your Negotiation Exercise

  • Planning for Negotiation and Negotiation Tactics

  • Psychological Tools, Creating and Performing the Contract, and Building a Larger Pie

Week 7 Final Examination




George Siedel
Williamson Family Professor of Business Administration and Thurnau Professor of Business Law
University of Michigan


密歇根大学(UM,UMich 或简称密歇根)是一所公立研究型大学,位于美国密歇根州安阿伯市。该大学成立于 1817 年,是密歇根州历史最悠久、规模最大的大学。



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