Signals and Systems | 信号与系统

Signals and Systems | 信号与系统

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This course will cover design and analysis of continuous time systems and discrete time systems, with the focus on fundamental concepts, analysis and designs of deterministic signals being transmitted and processed through linear time-invariant systems. You will study ways to perform comprehensive analysis and design for various signals and systems ranging from time domain to transform domain, from continuous signals to discrete signals. While majority of the context in the first four chapters will discuss how to analyze and design continuous time system, including analysis of its time domain, frequency domain and S domain, the first chapter gives an introduction of the course, the second talks about time domain analysis of continuous time system, the third focuses on Fourier transform, and the fourth introduces S-domain analysis of continuous time system. The rest of the four chapters will discuss how to analyze and design discrete time system, including analysis of its time domain, frequency domain and Z domain, with each chapter contributes to time domain analysis of discrete time system, Z domain analysis of discrete time system, discrete Fourier transform and filter design respectively.




Qin Gong
Associate Professor,School of Medicine Tsinghua University
Tsinghua University


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