SDG: Moving Towards Sustainable Work

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  • 5 序列
  • 等级 中级

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Week 1: New challenges for Decent work (I). Digital Economy.
Do you know what is the Digital Economy? We will discuss the role of platforms and the importance of sharing economy in the digital age. We will analyze the impact on the employment conditions and we will try to map the main social risks.

Week 2: New challenges for Decent work (II). The impact of robot revolution on employment.
What do you know about the impact of robotization on workforce? We will review the trends in achieving a legal status for robots and their influence on employee's rights, as well as the challenges in a new landscape of labour relations.

Week 3: Diversity management.
Managing diversity is certainly a challenge in the digital age. We will analyze the fundamental rights at workplace, the critical issues related to sensitive collectives and the importance of empowering women.

Week 4: Decent work and protection against poverty.
Poverty, sustainable growth, decent work and sensitive groups will be discussed keeping in mind multiperspectivity.

Week 5: New forms of work, well-being, and work health.
New challenges in sustainable work need new frameworks on occupational health and well-being for e-workers, freelancers, self-employed and entrepreneurs.




Eva María Blázquez Agudo
Associate Professor
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

María Gema Quintero Lima
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

María Teresa Alameda Castillo
Associate Professor
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Ana Belén Muñoz Ruiz
Visiting Professor
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Daniel Pérez del Prado
Visiting Professor
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Amanda Moreno Solana
Visiting Professor
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid


Universidad Carlos III de Madrid


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