Understanding Russians: Contexts of Intercultural Communication

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  • 8 序列
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  • Week 1 - Introduction to the Course
    Dear Student, welcome to the first module of the course "Understanding Russians: Contexts of Intercultural Communication"! My name is Mira Bergelson and I will teach this class, assisted by Yulia Badryzlova, Tatiana Golubeva and the team of Coursera and HSE te...
  • Week 1 - Intercultural Communication as an Academic Discipline
    We want this course to be not only a learning experience, but a cultural journey full of discoveries and fun. We will begin by introducing the notion of Intercultural Communication. We will look at ICC as an academic field: have a glimpse of its history, look ...
  • Week 2 - Culture in Intercultural Communication
    This lecture will focus around Culture per se and the language we need to be able to discuss it. The more complex and less formalized is the subject of the discussion, the more crucial are its instruments. We will introduce various dimensions that are applica...
  • Week 3 - Theory of Communication
    In this week's lectures we will shift our focus, and will be looking at the basics of communication in order to apply them later to the Russian communication style. We hope you will find this information useful for understanding various motives that govern th...
  • Week 4 - Culture’s Impact on Communication: Politeness
    The lectures you'll see this week will be devoted to the linguocultural aspects of Politeness in Russian communication style and to other dimensions of Russian communication. We will meet an exciting new expert, Jennifer Eremeeva, an American author and blogge...
  • Week 5 - Communication in Organizational Contexts
    This week of the course is devoted to Russian communication in organizational contexts. Organizations are crucial: they shape culture and are shaped by culture. You will learn how Russian organizational culture developed throughout Russian history and how it i...
  • Week 6 - Social Stratification and Occupational Cultures in Russia
    he material covered in the remaining weeks of the class will contain less theory of intercultural communications and more information about contemporary Russia, its ways of life and their historic background. This week we will speak about the social stratifica...
  • Week 7 - Interpersonal Communication
    This week we will talk about the specific Russian features of interpersonal communication, communication across genders, and the generational discourse systems.Specifically, we will have a look at such issues as: friendship, dating, role of women; family struc...
  • Week 8 - Culture as a Narrative
    Sad to say, this is the last week of lectures in our course. And in this last week we present not factual data or charts or tables, but rather a narrative -- this time a narrative of Russian history in broad impressionistic strokes. We do believe in narratives...




Mira Bergelson
Philological Faculty


莫斯科国立研究大学 "高等经济学院"(EHESE)于 1992 年在俄罗斯经济学家的倡议下成立。

自 2001 年以来,它一直是一所国立大学,最初由经济发展部监管,自 2008 年以来,它一直是直属于俄罗斯联邦政府的高等教育和研究机构。经过校际竞赛,该校于 2009 年被授予俄罗斯国立研究型大学的地位。



在 QS 世界大学排名中,该校经常名列世界最佳大学前 100 名,在俄罗斯名列第二4。


Coursera是一家数字公司,提供由位于加利福尼亚州山景城的计算机教师Andrew Ng和达芙妮科勒斯坦福大学创建的大型开放式在线课程。

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