Understanding Research: An Overview for Health Professionals

12 时
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  • 6 序列
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Week One: Sections of a Research Article, Abstracts, and the Introduction of a Paper (Literature Review, Significance of Problem, Research Questions, and Operational Definitions)
  • Identify the 4 sections of scientific research articles
  • Determine the purpose of the abstract
  • Identify the 2 key components of the introduction section of an article
  • Identify 3 elements of a research question
  • Understand why operational definitions are important

Week Two: Methods Section — Study Designs
  • Answer 5 questions to identify study designs
  • Understand the relation between types of study designs and the time frame of the study
  • Identify the data collection procedures by the study design
  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of cohort, cross-sectional, and case-control study designs

Week Three: Methods Section — Sample Selection, Setting, Measurement(Instruments, Validity, and Reliability)

  • Differentiate a sample from a population
  • Identify the strengths of probability versus non-probability sampling
  • Determine inclusion versus exclusion criteria when developing a plan for sample selection
  • Identify different types of instruments included in research studies
  • Explain how instruments are determined to be valid and reliable
  • Identify types of internal validity and reliability
  • Identify data collection procedures

Week Four: Methods Section —Bias, Types of Variables and Rates(Incidence and Prevalence)

  • Identify types of bias related to all study designs
  • Identify types of bias specific to experimental studies
  • Determine the difference between parametric and nonparametric statistics
  • Differentiate categorical and continuous variables
  • Identify the difference between incidence and prevalence rates
Week Five: Ethical Issues, Human Subjects Committee / Institutional Review Boards, and the Discussion of a Paper (Clinical Implications, Limitations, and Future Studies)
  • Understand the history of research ethics
  • Determine the ethical lessons learned from the Tuskegee Study in the United States (U.S.)
  • Identify studies conducted in the U.S. that raised new ethical issues
  • Identify key components of the discussion section of a research article

Week Six: Final Exam




  • Abbey Alkon - School of Nursing


The University of California, San Francisco, is dedicated to promoting health worldwide through advanced biomedical research, graduate-level education in the life sciences and health professions, and high-quality patient care. UC San Francisco is the only campus in the University of California system dedicated exclusively to the health sciences. UCSF's innovative, collaborative approaches for health care, research and education span disciplines across the health sciences and make it a world leader in scientific discovery and its translation into improved health.


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