- 来自www.edx.org
Reputation Management in a Digital World
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- 6 序列
- 等级 中级
- 从11 三月 2024开始
- 以19 十一月 2024结束
Week 1: Corporate reputation in the digital age
In this module you will:
- identify what a corporate reputation is and why it is important
- examine how the digital age has affected reputation management
- identify the types of reputational risk that exist online and the difference between an issue and a crisis
Week 2: Reputation and participatory culture
In this module you will:
- explain what participatory culture is and why it is important
- utilise the audience as co-creator of the story and brand
- recommend ways in which to build a strong participatory culture
Week 3: How online has changed the media cycle
In this module you will:
- examine how the traditional media cycle has changed and the broader definition of who ‘the media’ is now
- explain how online reputation affects offline reputation and whether an organisation can separate the two
Week 4: Managing reputation online
In this module you will:
- examine how to build a reputation – conversation and coverage
- demonstrate how to protect a reputation in times of adversity
- monitor your reputation and act on issues
Week 5: Protecting a Reputation: when it goes wrong, crisis response
In this module you will:
- identify ways to embrace online negativity/criticism
- explain how to respond to a crisis online
- debrief after a crisis and evaluate your response
Week 6: Towards best practice reputation management
In this module you will:
- examine how ethics relates to corporate reputation
- articulate how to be authentic and speak ‘beyond the corporate voice’
- compare best practice in building a sustainable corporate brand online
Students should have an understanding of marketing and public relations concepts. Students also need an understanding of different online platforms.
Bridget Tombleson
Lecturer, Public Relations
Curtin University
Katharina Wolf
Senior Lecturer, Public Relations
Curtin University
科廷大学是西澳大利亚州最大的高等教育机构。其主校区位于西澳大利亚州的珀斯。科廷大学成立于 1966 年,最初名为西澳大利亚理工学院(WAIT),1986 年更名为科廷理工大学,2010 年更名为科廷大学。该校以第二次世界大战期间澳大利亚总理约翰-科廷的名字命名。
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EdX a été fondée par le Massachusetts Institute of Technology et par l'université Harvard en mai 2012. En 2014, environ 50 écoles, associations et organisations internationales offrent ou projettent d'offrir des cours sur EdX. En juillet 2014, elle avait plus de 2,5 millions d'utilisateurs suivant plus de 200 cours en ligne.
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