Produce Maintainable CSS With Sass

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Part 1 - Structure your code efficiently
1. Get the most out of this course
2. Structure your CSS effectively
3. Understand how specificity affects your code structure
4. Write selectors with BEM
5. Use CSS Preprocessors for advanced code functionality
6. Write SASS Syntax
7. Use nesting with SASS
8. Use BEM selectors with SASS
Quiz: Structure your code efficiently

Part 2 - Create efficient, maintainable code with intermediate Sass techniques
1. Improve code maintainability with Sass variables
2. Use SASS Mixins with arguments
3. Write cleaner code with Sass extensions
4. Choose when to use mixins vs extensions
5. Leverage Sass functions to improve mixins
6. Optimize mixins with conditionals in Sass
7. Create and use Sass Functions
Quiz: Create efficient, maintainable code with intermediate Sass techniques

Part 3 - Streamline your code using advanced Sass techniques
1. Use the 7-1 pattern for a manageable codebase
2. Install Sass locally
3. Integrate advanced Sass data types
4. Use loops in Sass to streamline your code
5. Add breakpoints for responsive layouts
6. Use Autoprefixer for browser compliant code
7. Course summary
Quiz: Apply advanced Sass techniques to your code



To take this course you will need some knowledge of HTML, CSS, and CSS layouts. You can obtain these skills by taking the following courses: 

  • Create web page layouts with CSS
  • Build your first web pages with HTML and CSS


Pat Gerke
Developer, animator, designer, and globetrotter


OpenClassrooms (原名 le Site du Zéro 或 SdZ)是一个提供计算机、科学和创业课程的网站。

在线课程可以由该网站的团队、合作大学或大学校的教授或 OpenClassrooms 成员自己教授。

目前,课程有多种形式:MOOC(大规模在线开放课程)、网络文本、电子书、书籍和视频。公司为某些课程颁发证书,包括与 IESA Multimedia 合作颁发的国家承认的证书。


OpenClassrooms (原名 le Site du Zéro 或 SdZ)是一个提供计算机、科学和创业课程的网站。

在线课程可以由该网站的团队、合作大学或大学校的教授或 OpenClassrooms 成员自己教授。

目前,课程有多种形式:MOOC(大规模在线开放课程)、网络文本、电子书、书籍和视频。公司为某些课程颁发证书,包括与 IESA Multimedia 合作颁发的国家承认的证书。

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