- 来自www.coursera.org
- Week 1 - Introduction, Empirical Background and Definitions
Examples of Social Networks and their Impact, Definitions, Measures and Properties: Degrees, Diameters, Small Worlds, Weak and Strong Ties, Degree Distributions - Week 2 - Background, Definitions, and Measures Continued
Homophily, Dynamics, Centrality Measures: Degree, Betweenness, Closeness, Eigenvector, and Katz-Bonacich. Erdos and Renyi Random Networks: Thresholds and Phase Transitions - Week 3 - Random Networks
Poisson Random Networks, Exponential Random Graph Models, Growing Random Networks, Preferential Attachment and Power Laws, Hybrid models of Network Formation. - Week 4 - Strategic Network Formation
Game Theoretic Modeling of Network Formation, The Connections Model, The Conflict between Incentives and Efficiency, Dynamics, Directed Networks, Hybrid Models of Choice and Chance. - Week 5 - Diffusion on Networks
Empirical Background, The Bass Model, Random Network Models of Contagion, The SIS model, Fitting a Simulated Model to Data. - Week 6 - Learning on Networks
Bayesian Learning on Networks, The DeGroot Model of Learning on a Network, Convergence of Beliefs, The Wisdom of Crowds, How Influence depends on Network Position.. - Week 7 - Games on Networks
Network Games, Peer Influences: Strategic Complements and Substitutes, the Relation between Network Structure and Behavior, A Linear Quadratic Game, Repeated Interactions and Network Structures. - Week 8 - Final Exam
The description goes here
Matthew O. Jackson
利兰-斯坦福大学(Leland Stanford Junior University),简称斯坦福大学,是一所美国私立大学,位于旧金山南部的硅谷。
其校训是 "Die Luft der Freiheit weht",意为 "自由之风拂面"。

Coursera是一家数字公司,提供由位于加利福尼亚州山景城的计算机教师Andrew Ng和达芙妮科勒斯坦福大学创建的大型开放式在线课程。
Coursera与顶尖大学和组织合作,在线提供一些课程,并提供许多科目的课程,包括:物理,工程,人文,医学,生物学,社会科学,数学,商业,计算机科学,数字营销,数据科学 和其他科目。
