Nanotechnology: The Basics

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Nanotechnology: The Basics

Week 1: Small, strange and useful! This first week we will introduce nanotechnology.  As you will learn, defining the term itself can be a challenge and the discipline has a rich and somewhat controversial history.  We will conclude the week with a tour of the different types of materials in the nanotechnology pantheon that sets up the class for the weeks to come.

Week 2: Electronics when materials are super small.  There is no doubt our lives have been changed by the small and powerful computers we now use in everything from our cell phones to our coffeemakers.  This week you will learn how nanotechnology has been a part of this revolution and what the limits are to making wires and transistors super, super small.

Week 3: How magnets change when they are made small.  Magnetism is quite mysterious and the foundation of such cool technologies as flash drives and MRI imaging.  Nanotechnology has played a crucial role in advancing all of these diverse applications and in week 3 you'll gain some insight into how that is possible.

Week 4: Shedding light on nanoscale materials and photonics.  Compared to electrons, photons are difficult things to trap and control with normal materials.  Nanomaterials offer completely new approaches to manipulating light.  Whether its through diffraction, or plasmonics, nanotechnology can provide new capabilities for solid state lasers as well as super resolution microscopes.




  • Vicki Colvin - Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
  • Daniel Mittleman - Electrical & Computer Engineering


莱斯大学是一所美国私立研究型大学,位于德克萨斯州休斯敦市。它位于该市的博物馆区,毗邻德克萨斯医学中心。莱斯大学由威廉-马什-莱斯(William Marsh Rice,en)于 1891 年创建,当时名为 "威廉-马什-莱斯文学、科学和艺术发展学院"(The William Marsh Rice Institute for the Advancement of Letters, Science, and Art),1912 年落成,埃德加-奥德尔-洛维特(Edgar Odell Lovett)担任首任校长。


Coursera是一家数字公司,提供由位于加利福尼亚州山景城的计算机教师Andrew Ng和达芙妮科勒斯坦福大学创建的大型开放式在线课程。

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