Marine Megafauna: An Introduction to Marine Science and Conservation

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Week 1. Getting Started 
  • Welcome to Marine Megafauna - some basic introductions are in order!
  • Cracking the code: How to read a PLOS ONE journal article. Students will learn how to approach reading a PLOS ONE article.
  • Ocean Basics. Students will learn the basics about the ocean(s).
  • Origins of Marine Megafauna. Students will learn the evolutionary origins of the major groups of megafauna that live in the sea.

Week 2. Introductions to Marine Megafauna - Diversity and Taxonomy I
  • Introduction to Sea Turtles. Students will learn basics about sea turtle diversity, biology and ecology.
  • Introduction to Seabirds. Students will learn basics about seabird diversity and ecology with a focus on colonial living.
  • Introduction to Penguins. Students will learn basics about penguin biology and ecology.

Week 3. Introductions to Marine Megafauna - Diversity and Taxonomy II
  • Introduction to Marine Mammals. Students will learn basics about diversity of marine mammals.
  • Introduction to Large Fishes. Students will learn basics about diversity, biology and ecology of large fishes.
  • Introduction to Marine Mega-Invertebrates. Students will learn basics about mega-invertebrate diversity and ecology.

Week 4. Adaptations to life in the ocean I
  • Ecophysiology of large marine animals. Students will learn about physiological challenges posed by living in the ocean: thermoregulation, pressure, osmoregualtion and more.
  • Functional morphology and diving physiology. Students will learn about adaptations that allow animals to move efficiently and dive.
  • Movements, migrations, and behaviors. Students learn about movements of animals in the ocean - vertical migrations, latitudinal trips and ontogentic descents.

Week 5. Adaptations to life in the ocean II
  • Foraging and Feeding in the sea. Students learn about how animals forage and feed in the ocean.
  • Bioenergetics and the challenges of ocean living. Students learn about energy flow in individuals and populations.
  • Trophic ecology/foraging theory. Students learn about trophic structures and the complexity of marine food webs.
  • Life history and reproductive strategies. Student learn basics of life history and reproductive approaches in marine animals

Week 6. Oceanography and Deep Sea Biology - Robots and Subs
  • Oceanography techniques. How we study ocean currents and water properties.
  • Deep sea biology and ecology. An introduction to the ecology of deep sea systems.
  • Chemosynthetic life in the ocean. How life exists without light.
  • ROVs, AUVs, Ocean Gliders and manned submarines. An introduction of the use of robots and subs to study marine systems.

Week 7. Marine Conservation I
  • What is marine conservation biology? A description of conservation and how conservation conflicts proceed.
  • The role of individuals and science in conservation. An overview of how individuals shaped the terrestrial conservation movement and how science fits into the overall process of sustaining marine resources.
  • Marine Acoustic Ecology. Introduces students to ocean acoustics and why sound is so important to animals in the sea.
  • Anthropogenic noise. Provide an overview of the most pressing issues in marine bioacoustics: seismic, shipping, sonar.

Week 8. Marine Conservation II
  • Seals, Fisheries and coastal conflicts.  Provides an overview of the classic marine predator problem in marine systems - the recovery of pinnipeds from persecution/exploitation and how that may affect coastal communities.
  • Bycatch. Students learn about bycatch and how it affects marine systems.
  • Whales and whaling conflicts. Students learn about historical commercial whaling and the current conflicts surrounding it.
  • Climate change. Students learn about the basics of climate change and how it affects marine species.




  • David Johnston - Division of Marine Science and Conservation, Nicholas School of the Environment



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