Master the building blocks of an app: code architecture, UI elements, animations and interactions

10 时
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  • 收费证书
  • 5 序列
  • 等级 中级

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Part 1 - Navigate the iOS app project
1. Understand the initial requirements of a new application
2. Manage assets to add images and icons
3. Create the launch screen
4. Comprehend the MVC model
Quiz: Navigate the iOS app project

Part 2 - Discover UI components
1. Start with foundation - UIView
2. Understand the view stack
3. Explore UI components
Quiz: Discover UI components

Part 3 - Implement data model and logic
1. Implement data components
2. Connect the dots in M-V-C
3. Establish user flow
4. Utilize device resources
Quiz: Implement data model and logic

Part 4 - Revive your app
1. Understand gestures on a touch screen
2. Transform views within an application
3. Implement simple animations
4. Reach out! Using content sharing to promote your application
Quiz: Revive your app

Part 5 - Accommodate different points of view
1. Discover layout parameters
2. Understand the Auto Layout
3. Utilize Size Classes
Quiz: Understand the layout



This course requires knowing the basics of iOS development, having fundamental programming skills using Swift, and an understanding of Object-oriented programming. The required knowledge is covered in the following courses:

  • Immerse yourself in the iOS environment
  • Learn the fundamentals of the Swift Programming Language
  • Deepen your knowledge by learning Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) with Swift

Hardware requirements: A Mac computer (a laptop or a desktop)


Olga Volkova
Fascinated by limitless opportunities in the universe of unknown. iOS engineer, interaction designer, entrepreneur, educator, writer.


OpenClassrooms (原名 le Site du Zéro 或 SdZ)是一个提供计算机、科学和创业课程的网站。

在线课程可以由该网站的团队、合作大学或大学校的教授或 OpenClassrooms 成员自己教授。

目前,课程有多种形式:MOOC(大规模在线开放课程)、网络文本、电子书、书籍和视频。公司为某些课程颁发证书,包括与 IESA Multimedia 合作颁发的国家承认的证书。


OpenClassrooms (原名 le Site du Zéro 或 SdZ)是一个提供计算机、科学和创业课程的网站。

在线课程可以由该网站的团队、合作大学或大学校的教授或 OpenClassrooms 成员自己教授。

目前,课程有多种形式:MOOC(大规模在线开放课程)、网络文本、电子书、书籍和视频。公司为某些课程颁发证书,包括与 IESA Multimedia 合作颁发的国家承认的证书。

此内容评级为 4.5/5
此内容评级为 4.5/5