Machine learning in Python with scikit-learn

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  • 从14 二月 2022开始
  • 以16 五月 2022结束

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Machine Learning concepts

Module 1. The Predictive Modeling Pipeline
Tabular data exploration
Fitting a scikit-learn model on numerical data
Handling categorical data

Module 2. Selecting the best model
Overfitting and Underfitting
Validation and learning curves
Bias versus variance trade-off

Module 3. Hyperparameters tuning
Manual tuning
Automated tuning

Module 4. Linear Models
Intuitions on linear models
Linear regression
Modelling with a non-linear relationship data-target
Regularization in linear model
Linear model for classification

Module 5. Decision tree models
Intuitions on tree-based models
Decisison tree in classification
Decision tree in regression
Hyperparameters of decision tree

Module 6. Ensemble of models
Intuitions on ensemble of tree-based models
Ensemble method using bootstrapping
Ensemble based on boosting
Hyperparameters tuning with ensemble methods

Module 7. Evaluating model performance
Comparing a model with simple baselines
Choice of cross-validation
Nested cross-validation
Introduction of the evaluation metrics
Classification metrics
Regression metrics


Basic knowledge of Python programming : defining variables, writing functions, importing modules and some prior experience with the NumPy, pandas and Matplotlib libraries is recommended but not required


Loïc Estève
Loïc Estève is a research engineer at Inria. He is a scikit-learn core developer since 2016.

Olivier Grisel
Olivier Grisel is a machine learning engineer at Inria. He is a scikit-learn core developer since 2010.

Guillaume Lemaître
Guillaume Lemaître is a research engineer at Inria. He is a scikit-learn core developer since 2017.

Gaël Varoquaux
Gaël Varoquaux is a research director at Inria. He is one of the creator of scikit-learn and the project manager for the scikit-learn consortium.

Thomas Schmitt
Thomas Schmitt is a machine Learning Engineer at Inria.


法国国家计算机科学与控制研究所(INRIA)是法国一家专门从事数学和计算机科学研究的公共科技机构,由高等教育、研究和创新部以及经济和财政部共同管理。 它成立于 1967 年 1 月 3 日。

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