Introduction to Computer Numerical Control

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Week 1: About the course: Prologue. Meet our team. Frequently Asked Questions. Interpretation of the plans and order: Simulation - The Order. Why a CNC machine?

Week 2: Analysis of processes and CNC machines: CNC machine elements. Coordinate Systems. Simulation - The machine. Selection of the cutting tool: Introduction to cutting tool selection. Simulation - The tool.

Week 3: CNC Code Generation: Introduction to programming. Trajectories and tool control. Simulation - The code. Machine code implementation: Program Verification and Implementation. Machine preparation and operation. Final Controls. Simulation - Production.

Week 4: Quality control and piece measurement: Quality control. Simulation - Delivery.

Final Exam.


The students attending the course should have knowledge of:
o Mathematics.
o Technical drawing and blueprint reading.
o Handling measuring instruments.


Jorge Muract
Steel University Manager and Professor in Mechanical Department
Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto

La Escuela Técnica Roberto Rocca




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