DevOps for Developers: How to Get Started

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  • Week 1: Introduction to DevOps
    Introduction to the definition, value, history, building blocks, and best practices of DevOps
  • Week 2: A unified process between development and operations
    Introduction to how Agile software development process applies to DevOps, the importance of integrating source control in DevOps, and how automation is applied to DevOps
  • Week 3: Continuous Integration (CI), continuous testing, and continuous deployment
    Introduction to the key concepts, benefits, tools, and practices of implementing Continuous Integration (CI), continuous testing, and continuous deployment
  • Week 4: Configuration management and release management
    Introduction to the key concepts, benefits, tools and practices of implementing release management and configuration management.  
  • Week 5: Monitoring and feedback
    Introduction to the key concepts and tools of tracking production and aligning with suitable metrics to improve business results.


  • Experience working inside an organization that delivers software
  • A basic understanding of source control and Agile software development process


Steven Borg
Co-Founder and Strategist
Northwest Cadence

Lei Ma
Senior Content Developer

Colin Dembovsky
Senior DevOps specialist and ALM MVP
Northwest Cadence




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此内容评级为 4.9167/5
此内容评级为 4.9167/5