Interaction Design Capstone Project

Interaction Design Capstone Project

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  • Week 1 - Design Thinking Capstone
    Welcome to the Interaction Design Capstone Project!
  • Week 2 - Needfinding
    As Yogi Berra said, you can observe a lot just by watching. Watching how people do things is a great way to learn their goals and values, and come up with design insight. We call this needfinding. This module trains your eyes and ears to come up with user need...
  • Week 3 - Ideation
    To maximize your chances of having a great idea, it helps to generate a lot of ideas. Brainstorming is a strategy for rapidly generating lots of ideas. It was named by advertising executive Alex Osborn in his 1953 book, Applied Imagination. When brainstorming,...
  • Week 4 - Prototype
    Prototyping is the pivotal activity that structures innovation, collaboration, and creativity in design. Prototyping gets ideas out of your head and into the world. Like a conversation, your ideas will evolve as you articulate them and make them concrete. Prot...
  • Week 5 - Design Heuristics
    Design can succeed (or fail) in many ways. That said, there are common heuristics that will get you on the right path. In this module, you will conduct heuristic evaluations (HEs) of another learner's paper prototype. The heuristic evaluations will be a way to...
  • Week 6 - A Plan & a Skeleton
    A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Figuring out what that first step is--and then what the one after that is--can be especially daunting with creative projects. Making forward progress is a lot easier if you write down concrete, actionabl...
  • Week 7 - Ready for Testing
    Crunch time! Your interactive prototypes have to be ready for user testing by the end of this assignment.
  • Week 8 - Test your prototype
    In this assignment, you will test your prototype in person with two people to find usability bugs & potential improvements.
  • Week 9 - Results!
    You've got data from online users that compares two alternatives. How can you tell whether there is a real difference? Statistical tests, like the CHI-squared test, tell you whether the behavior you observed was likely to have occurred by chance, or whether th...
  • Week 10 - Show & Tell
    You've done all this great work, and your hard effort has paid off. You've brainstormed, prototyped, designed, iterated, refined, and evaluated. Now's your chance to share your work with the world. This is a great opportunity to tell your design story, and use...




Scott Klemmer
Cognitive Science & Computer Science


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