Intellectual Property Law and Policy: Part 2

Intellectual Property Law and Policy: Part 2

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  • 7 序列
  • 等级 中级



Week 1: A User’s Guide to Copyright
Subject matter and limits on copyrightability; the standards for copyright, the idea-expression and functionality limitations.

Week 2: The Scope of Copyright
How Copyright infringement works — both direct and indirect infringement.

Week 3: Limits on Copyright Law
The fair use doctrine and other limits on the rights of copyright owners.

Week 4: User’s Guide to Trademarks
An introduction to trademarks, trademark subject matter, and the functionality limitation.

Week 5: The Scope of Trademarks
Trademark infringement and dilution.

Week 6: Limits on Trademarks and Policy
Trademark fair use and how trademark works in cyberspace.

Week 7: IP Reform
Future possibilities for reform and and alternative systems.




R. Polk Wagner


宾夕法尼亚大学(俗称宾大)成立于 1740 年,是一所位于美国宾夕法尼亚州费城的私立大学。作为常春藤联盟的成员,宾大是美国第四古老的高等学府,也是美国第一所同时提供本科和研究生学位的大学。


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