Innate Immunity

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  • 8 序列
  • 等级 中级
  • 从8 一月 2024开始
  • 以5 三月 2024结束

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Chapter 1: Cellular players - part 1
Chapter  2: Cellular players - part 2
Chapter  3: Molecular players - part 1
Chapter  4: Molecular players - part 2
Chapter  5: Host-pathogen interactions
Chapter  6: Regulation of innate immune response


This MOOC targets people with a medical or scientific training background who are interested in all aspects of innate immunity: medical students, scientific Master II and PhD students (Immunology, Bacteriology, Parasitology, Virology…), post-doc, physicians, pharmacists, veterinarians, and all scientists working on bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites, interested to learn more about the defense mechanism of the host against their favored bug.


Jean-Marc Cavaillon
Jean-Marc Cavaillon got his Doctorat-ès-Sciences in 1980 (University of Paris VI). After completing his post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Toronto, he joined the Institut Pasteur (Paris). He is now professor and Head of the research Unit "Cytokines & Inflammation".

Daniel Scott-Algara
He is Director of Research in the Cytokines and Inflammation Unit and Head of the Innate Immunity team in the Pasteur Institute in Paris. He is working in Innate Immune responses against pathogens. He is conducting several basic and clinical researches in the role of innate immunity in the resistance or protection against viral diseases like HIV and Hepatitis.


巴斯德研究所(Institut Pasteur)是一家位于巴黎的非营利性法国私人基金会,致力于生物学、微生物、疾病和疫苗研究。

巴斯德研究所成立于 1888 年,由国际公众募捐建立,以其创始人和首任所长路易-巴斯德1 的名字命名,1885 年,巴斯德研制出第一支狂犬病疫苗。

一个多世纪以来,巴斯德研究所一直站在抗击传染病的最前沿。1983 年,这个国际研究机构率先分离出人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV),即导致获得性免疫缺陷综合症(艾滋病)的病毒。多年来,该组织的革命性发现使医学得以控制白喉、破伤风、肺结核、脊髓灰质炎、流感、黄热病、流行性鼠疫、乙型肝炎和艾滋病等烈性疾病。


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