Agile Meets Design Thinking

Agile Meets Design Thinking

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  • Week 1 - Problems Agile Solves
    The practices that deliver excellent product are well understood, but rarely seen. In this module, we’ll identify what’s hard about creating excellent products and how agile can help. We'll begin with a discussion of the Agile Manifesto, introduce key agile te...
  • Week 2 - Agile Design with Personas, Problem Scenarios, and Alternatives
    The best way to avoid building something nobody wants is to start with somebody in mind. That "somebody" is a persona. Personas and problem scenarios tie development to the end user and help you drive toward a valuable solution. In this module, you’ll learn to...
  • Week 3 - Writing Great Agile User Stories
    Creating software that meets users' need begins with understanding that user--and user stories are a tool that helps teams understand the end-user perspective.The agile user story is the focal point for just about everything that follows. This is where we diag...
  • Week 4 - Enhancing Your User Story
    Now that you've "discovered" your user, you'll write your user story--and you'll make it great by layering in details. In this module, you'll learn to create detailed, specific user stories to anchor your project.
  • Week 5 - Finish User Stories Assignment and Optional Content with an IT Focus: Strategy-Driven Process Design
    First, use this week to finish up your User Story Assignment and complete peer reviews.Then, if you're interested in IT, let's talk process. What? Process? While you’ve learned that the agile manifesto explicitly reacted to primary/excessive use of tools and p...




Alex Cowan
Faculty & Batten Fellow
Darden School of Business


弗吉尼亚大学(University of Virginia,又称 UVA、UVa、Virginia)位于美国东海岸的弗吉尼亚州夏洛茨维尔市。自 1987 年以来,它还被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产。该校由《独立宣言》的作者、美国第三任总统托马斯-杰斐逊于 1819 年创建。

弗吉尼亚大学是一所著名的公立高等学府,隶属于 Universitas 21 网络。弗吉尼亚大学一直名列美国大学排行榜前 25 位,也是 "公立常春藤 "大学网络的成员,该网络由美国最好的公立大学组成,其教育水平可与常春藤盟校媲美。


Coursera是一家数字公司,提供由位于加利福尼亚州山景城的计算机教师Andrew Ng和达芙妮科勒斯坦福大学创建的大型开放式在线课程。

Coursera与顶尖大学和组织合作,在线提供一些课程,并提供许多科目的课程,包括:物理,工程,人文,医学,生物学,社会科学,数学,商业,计算机科学,数字营销,数据科学 和其他科目。

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