Forced and Precarious Labor in the Global Economy: Slavery by Another Name?

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  • 等级 介绍
  • 从17 九月 2019开始
  • 以19 十一月 2019结束

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Week One: Introducing The Global Challenge of Forced and Precarious Labour

Week Two: Global Supply Chains and Labour Exploitation

Week Three: Combating Labour Exploitation in Global Supply Chains

Week Four: Migrant Labour and the Global Economy: Outsourcing exploitation

Week Five: Legal Rights and Workplace Protections for Migrant Workers

Week Six: Commercial Sex and the Global Economy

Week Seven: Commercial Sex and Decent Work: Rights not Rescue.

Week Eight: Strategies for combating forced and precarious labour: More than bad apples and deviant criminals

Week Nine: Wrap up




Joel Quirk
Professor in the Department of Political Studies
Wits University

Neil Howard
Prize Fellow in International Development
University of Bath

Elena Shih
Assistant Professor of American Studies and Ethnic Studies
Brown University

Prabha Kotiswaran
Professor of Law and Social Justice
King's College London

Samuel Okyere
Assistant Professor in Sociology and Criminology
University of Nottingham


L'université du Witwatersrand est une institution universitaire d'Afrique du Sud située à Johannesbourg dans la province du Gauteng, au sein de la région historique du Witwatersrand. L'université est surnommée « Wits ». Elle est la plus importante et prestigieuse université d'Afrique du Sud.


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