Financial Decision Making

Financial Decision Making

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  • 8 序列
  • 等级 高级
  • 从4 五月 2020开始
  • 以30 六月 2020结束

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Week 1: Foundations of Financial Decision Making for Managers
An introduction to the role of financial management in corporations. Learn how management selects the best type of business formation and ownership, identifies tactical and strategic goals, and balances profits vs. shareholder value.
Week 2: Financial Statements: Make more informed decisions understanding and analyzing financial statements.
Learn to use financial information to assist in the management decision-making process, including the relationship between financial statements, financial ratio analysis, financial statement analysis, and other metrics to improve managerial decision making.
Week 3: Risk and Return
Use discount rates to estimate the risk and return on investments, and compare investment risks and returns to analyze financial challenges and opportunities. Learn how the passage of time affects the value of a dollar which affects investment, divestiture, and other operational decisions.
Week 4: Management Accounting Overview
Managers use managerial reports to more effectively operate their unit of responsibility, maintain a competitive market position, and ensure a safe working environment. Distinguish between accounting and economic profit, know when to consider opportunity costs, use management control systems, understand the value chain, and make decisions from management reports.
Week 5: Activity Based Costing and Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis
Learn how managers use activity based costing to promote business activities that result in higher profits. Make pricing decisions using various methods, including customer behavior in response to price changes and pricing changes in the competitive market. Compute the cost and volume of sales necessary to break even or achieve a desired profit level. Use cost-volume-profit analysis to make pricing, marketing, and other operational decisions, such as quality control.
Week 6: Budgeting & Forecasting
Create master, static, and flexible budgets based on historical information and projected results in the future. Use budgets and other financial information to forecast future economic and financial trends, and create pro forma financial statements.
Week 7: Capital Budgeting
Prepare capital budgets for better long-term investment decisions. Compare alternative capital improvement projects and accept or reject proposed projects. Make outsourcing decisions.
Week 8: Final Assessment


To pursue a MicroMaster certificate in Accounting and Financial Management, an undergraduate degree from an accredited college or university is required. If you are not pursuing a MicroMasters certification, a basic understanding of managerial decision making will suffice.


Sharon L. Levin
Chair and Professor of Accounting and Financial Management
University of Maryland Global Campus

Galit Kushnier, M.S.
University of Maryland Global Campus


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