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Ethics in Life Sciences and Healthcare: Exploring Bioethics through Manga
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- 10 序列
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Week 1: Ethics of Assisted Reproductive Technology
- What is Assisted Reproductive Technology?
- Sex Selection
- Pros & Cons of Sex Selection
- Ethical Issues Associated with Assisted Reproductive Technology
Week 2: The Ethics of Truth-Telling
- Cancer and Its Disclosure in Japan
- Pros & Cons of Cancer Disclosure
- Paternalism & Self-Determination
- Informed Consent & Patient-Centered Medicine
Week 3: Is Abortion Murder?
- Current Situation of Abortion in Japan
- Ethical Discussions in Japan
- Ethical Discussions in Europe & America
- Social Problems Related to Abortion
Week 4: What’s wrong with Enhancement?
- Use of Medical Technologies for Enhancement
- The Ethical Pros and Cons of Enhancement – The Anti-Use Position
- The Ethical Pros and Cons of Enhancement – Where Are Enhancement Technologies Heading?
Week 5: Is Euthanasia Wrong?
- Euthanasia and Death with Dignity
- Japanese Cases of Euthanasia
- For and Against Euthanasia
- Palliative Medicine
- Living Wills
Week 6: Living-Donor Organ Transplantation
- Organ Transplantation
- The History of Organ Transplantation
- Living-Donor Organ Transplantation and Ethical Problems
- Organ Trafficking
- Living-Donor Organ Transplants: Exception or the Rule?
Week 7: Cloning Technology
- Media Reports on the Birth of Dolly the Cloned Sheep and “the Birth of a Human Clone”
- Two Purposes of Cloning and Ethical Controversy
- Regulation of Human Cloning
- Discussion with the Instructor – Part 1
Week 8: ES Cells and iPS Cells
- Production of ES Cells and Regenerative Medicine
- Barriers to ES Cell Production
- The Production of iPS Cells
- Problems of iPS Cells
Week 9: Lifespan and Eternal Life
- Human Lifespan in the Past, Present, and Future
- Effects of Life-Extension Technologies on the Individual
- Effects of Life-Extension Technologies on Society
- Discussion with the Instructor – Part 2
Week 10: Brain Death and Organ Transplants
- The Organ Transplant Law and its Revision in Japan
- The Process of Organ Donation
- Ethical Controversy over Brain Death 1
- Ethical Controversy over Brain Death 2
Satoshi Kodama
Associate Professor of Ethics at Graduate School of Letters
Kyoto University
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