Environmental impacts of digital technologies

Environmental impacts of digital technologies

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  • 来自www.fun-mooc.fr
  • 免费获取
  • 免费证书
  • 4 序列
  • 等级 介绍
  • 从15 十一月 2021开始
  • 以14 十二月 2023结束



Part 1 - Introduction: The environmental impacts of digital technologies
What do you think about digital technologies?
Digital technologies and environmental awareness: a short history
Which indicators to assess the digital footprint?
Eco-Wise: Reading and questioning indicators

Part 2 - Non-renewable equipment
How many connected devices do you have?
Environmental impact of digital devices
Can we continue to manufacture IT equipment for a long time?
Eco-consumer: Recycling is not winning!

Part 3 - Very material digital services
What part of digital technology has the greatest environmental impact?
Are digital services virtual?
What is the environmental footprint of a digital service?
From eco-user to eco-designer of digital services

Part 4 - Economic and societal impacts
Connected objects... and you?
What place do we want to give to digital in our society?
How to anticipate the impacts of a new technology?
Eco-citizen: being well informed to make informed choices!


The training is intended for everyone and more specifically

- education professionals (teachers, educators, animators) who will find resources that can be used directly with their audience,
- young people from the second year of secondary school onwards, through the videos and activities that are proposed,
- to all those who wonder about the environmental impacts of digital technologies and who wish to understand the stakes and learn how to measure, decipher and act, in order to find their place as citizens in a digital world.

All you need is a computer and a good Internet connection to follow this course!


Françoise Berthoud
Françoise is a research engineer at Grenoble (CNRS) who created the GDS EcoInfo. She leads actions in favor of the reduction of digital impacts

Franck Beysson
Deputy director of the EEDD service of the Ligue de l'Enseignement de Loire and leader of the European project Conscience Numérique Durable

Julie Cornet
Facilitator of workshops for young people and educational mediators to learn to code and master computers (Compagnie du Code)

Laurent Devernay
By turns consultant and trainer, Laurent Devernay articulates his expertise around responsible digital (Simplon.co)

Laurent Lefèvre
Researcher in computer science in Lyon (Inria), specialist in energy efficiency of large digital systems, co-director of GDS EcoInfo

Benjamin Ninassi
Deputy Head of the ICT and Environment Program at Inria, INR and GDS EcoInfo contributor

Martine Olivi
Researcher in applied mathematics at Sophia Antipolis (Inria), in charge of the Local Commission for Sustainable Development

Julie Orgelet
Independent consultant in Life Cycle Assessment and Responsible Digital (DDemain / NegaOctet)

Anne-Cécile Orgerie
CNRS research fellow at IRISA, co-director of GDS EcoInfo since 2020 and active researcher in scientific mediation

Charles Poulmaire
Agrégé de Mathématiques, Charles is a teacher of mathematics, NTS and NSI at Van Gogh high school in Aubergenville


法国国家计算机科学与控制研究所(INRIA)是法国一家专门从事数学和计算机科学研究的公共科技机构,由高等教育、研究和创新部以及经济和财政部共同管理。 它成立于 1967 年 1 月 3 日。

Inria 的使命是在国内和国际上发展信息与通信科学和技术方面的研究和技术转让。该机构还负责指导法国在人工智能研究方面的国家战略。


France Université Numérique est le diffuseur des cours en ligne des établissements d’enseignement supérieur français et de leurs partenaires.

Il opère plusieurs plateformes de diffusion, dont la plus connue, FUN MOOC, est la première plateforme académique francophone mondiale. Grâce à de nombreux établissements partenaires, cette plateforme propose un vaste catalogue de cours s’enrichissant de jour en jour avec des thématiques variées et d’actualité.
