Entrepreneurship for Global Challenges in Emerging Markets

Entrepreneurship for Global Challenges in Emerging Markets

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  • 6 序列
  • 等级 介绍
  • 从4 二月 2019开始
  • 以25 三月 2019结束

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Week 1:
We will introduce you to the structure of the Delft Global Approach of the course and the Global Development Themes. From here you will study in-depth the global challenges for emerging economies. Here we would like to have input from you so we know what you perceive as global challenges for your region or for your region of interest.

Week 2:
We start to work on opportunity framing and ideation. You will discover how opportunities arise from the challenges that we discussed the previous week. You will get the tools to formalize your ideas and you will select one of them to continue working with. We expect you to share your ideation process and contribute to the forum. There will be a short quiz on the lecture material.

Week 3:
You will test your value proposition by going outside and interviewing others. As lecture material you will be given case studies of successes and failures of knowledge institutes and entrepreneurs. You can use this input, together with the interviews, in a short customer mapping assignment in which you describe the main obstacles that others mentioned and how you can overcome them. You will upload your drawing of your customer mapping. With input from others, we will now look at how to start working with partners and customers.

Week 4:
You will start to look at the (internal) business culture and (external) relations with partners and customers. Relations in emerging economies vary from region to region. But in general, trust in and cooperation with business partners and customers cannot be taken for granted. Case studies will give various examples on how business partners and relations were set-up and maintained.

Week 5:
You will continue to work on your selected idea, and define the internal management style in the context of local values and institutions. What cultural/institutional obstacles and opportunities can you identify in your region or region of interest? We expect from you to contribute by uploading a mood board about your own way of managing your business/proposition.

Week 6:
You will identify creative revenue models and cost estimations for your case study. Also, in the final days of this MOOC we will evaluate and discuss the suitable follow-up steps for your current value proposition: what you would need to start, and the first steps that you will take to create that impact with your value proposition.  You will be asked to upload a summary of the past 6 weeks to Sketchdrive and review the course.


Undergraduate level is required.
No other previous knowledge is needed. Only your enthusiasm to become an entrepreneur in an emerging economy.


Esther Blom
Lecturer in Sustainable Entrepreneurship at Delft Centre for Entrepreneurship
Delft University of Technology

Otto Kroesen
Assistant Professor in (business) ethics, cross-cultural entrepreneurship and development theory
Delft University of Technology

Ellen van Andel
Project Coordinator Africa and Lecturer of Entrepreneurship Education
Delft University of Technology



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