Electrical, Optical & Magnetic Materials and Devices

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  • 来自www.edx.org
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  • 16 序列
  • 等级 中级



Part 1:

  • The origins of semiconductor properties
  • Carrier action in semiconductors: drift, diffusion, recombination and generation
  • The behavior of p-n junctions at equilibrium and under bias
  • The derivation and application of the ideal diode equation, and how real diodes differ from ideal diodes
  • Operating principles of bipolar junction transistors and MOSFETs

Part 2:

  • The fundamental operating principles of photodevices
  • LED and heterojunction laser materials selection and design
  • Fundamentals of organic electronics and liquid crystal displays
  • An overview of photonic systems
  • Optical fibers: dispersion, losses, and design choices

Part 3:

  • Fundamentals of magnetism
  • The role anisotropy plays in the magnetic behavior of materials
  • The operating principles of transformers and DC motors
  • How data is stored on hard disks
  • Principles of optical and magnetooptical storage


  • Physics, calculus, and chemistry at the first year university level
  • Familiarity with materials structure and bonding
  • A background in solid state physics is helpful, but is not absolutely essential


Caroline Ross
Toyota Professor of Materials Science and Engineering

Jessica Sandland
Lecturer & Digital Learning Scientist
Massachusetts Institute of Technology



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