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第一章 - 思考的滋味 Episode 1 - A Taste
课程简介 A taste of things to come
课程操作介绍 How does this work?
信念的25个调查 25 statements on belief
关于你自己 About you
思考的18个调查 18 statements on thinking
调查完成确认 Finished the surveys?
课程实践 On campus
章节讨论 What do you think?
了解更多 Learn more
第二章内容简介 Coming up in Episode 2…
第二章 - 错觉 Episode 2 - Illusions
听拍子猜曲子 Tippity tap
猜一下会有多少人猜对曲子? Do you hear what I hear?
来猜歌曲 Now hear this
写出曲子的名字 Name that tune
猜曲子的思考 I heard a tapping somewhat louder than before
对话John Vokey(第一节) Conversation with John Vokey (Part 1)
你期望听到什么? What do you expect?
对话John Vokey(第二节) Conversation with John Vokey (Part 2)
我看到我所看到的吗? Do you see what I see?
对话Elizabeth Loftus Conversation with Elizabeth Loftus
虚构的记忆 The fiction of memory
朴素实在论 Naïve realism
10个小问题 10 questions
课程实践 On campus
章节讨论 What do you think?
完整版对话John Vokey Uncut conversation with John Vokey
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第三章内容简介 Coming up in Episode 3…
第三章 - 认识自己 Episode 3 - Know Thyself?
什么会令我们开心? What makes us happy?
你真的认识自己吗? Strangers to ourselves
对话Richard Nisbett(第一节) Conversation with Richard Nisbett (Part 1)
不察觉的情况下改变一个人的行为 Change someone's behavior without them knowing
差劲的预测 Predicting badly
追求幸福 Pursuit of happiness
对话Richard Nisbett (第二节) Conversation with Richard Nisbett (Part 2)
面试者错觉 The interview illusion
抛硬币:正或反 Heads or tails?
抛硬币:正 Heads question
抛硬币:反 Tails question
10个问题 10 questions
实践 On campus
章节讨论 What do you think?
完整版对话Richard Nisbett Uncut conversation with Richard Nisbett
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第四章简介 Coming up in Episode 4…
第四章 - 直觉与理性 Episode 4 - Intuition and Rationality
一些照片 Some photos
3个问题 3 questions
思考如何思考 Thinking about thinking
思考的快与慢 Thinking fast and slow
对话Daniel Kahneman(第一节)Conversation with Daniel Kahneman (Part 1)
瞳孔与锚定效应 Pupils and anchors
找名人 Celebrity spotting
可得性启发 Availability
案例:Linda是银行柜员 Linda the feminist bank teller
小问题 Meet Rudy
如何变成专家 Becoming an expert
对话Daniel Kahneman (第二节) Conversation with Daniel Kahneman (Part 2)
小结 In a nutshell
10个小问题 10 questions
实践 On campus
章节讨论 What do you think?
完整版对话Daniel Kahneman Uncut conversation with Daniel Kahneman
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第五章简介 Coming up in Episode 5…
第五章 - 学习如何学习 Episode 5 - Learning to Learn
你是怎么学习的? How do you study?
怎么提高学习能力 How to boost learning
对话John Dunlosky Conversation with John Dunlosky
间隔学习的效果 The effect of spacing
对话Bob Bjork (第一节) Conversation with Bob Bjork (Part 1)
从实践中学习 Learn by doing
对话Bob Bjork (第二节) Conversation with Bob Bjork (Part 2)
适当的挑战 Desirable difficulties
在日常思考的科学中学习 Learning in Think101x
10个小问题 10 questions
实践 On campus
章节讨论 What do you think?
完整版对话(三个对话)Uncut conversations
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第六章简介 Coming up in Episode 6…
第六章 - 实践的思考 Episode 6 - The Experiment
生活中的科学 Science in everyday life
对话 Conversation with Micheal Brenner and Pia Sörenson
生活小实验 Everyday experiments
无中生有 Something out of nothing
一名在喝茶的女士 The lady tasting tea
怎样才能说服你去相信? What would convince you?
泡茶实验 Make tea, not war
对话Antonia Mantonakis Conversation with Antonia Mantonakis
品酒的实验 Too much and too little wine
迷信 Superstitious belief
10个小问题 10 questions
实践 On campus
章节讨论 What do you think?
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第七章简介 Coming up in Episode 7…
第七章 - 寻找事物的本质 Episode 7 - Finding Things Out
对话MythBusters(第一节) Conversation with the MythBusters (Part 1)
不完美的预测 Imperfect predictors
漂向平庸 The drift toward mediocrity
随机事件的发生过程 The ebb and flow of random events
消除肿块 Smoothing out the lumps
小课堂比大课堂好 Small classes are better
关于课堂大小的注释 A note about class size
观念转变的6条导线 6 leads of opinion change
对话MythBusters(第二节) Conversation with the MythBusters (Part 2)
目前为止的故事 The story so far
10个小问题 10 questions
实践 On campus
章节讨论 What do you think?
了解更多 Learn more
第八章简介 Coming up in Episode 8...
A Week to Catch up
If you're caught up...
第八章 - 特别的思考 Episode 8 - Extraordinary Claims
实践知识的时间到了 See it in action
对话Susan Blackmore(第一节) Conversation with Susan Blackmore (Part 1)
我能相信它吗? Can I believe it?
对话Richard Wiseman Conversation with Richard Wiseman
意想不到 The extraordinary
当我相信时就会看到 I'll see it when I believe it
小问题 A few questions
电话总在我洗澡时响 The phone always rings when I'm in the shower.
对话Susan Blackmore (第二节) Conversation with Susan Blackmore (Part 2)
特别的论断需要特别的证明 Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence
10个小问题 10 questions
实践 On campus
章节讨论 What do you think?
完整版对话 Uncut conversations
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第九章简介 Coming up in Episode 9...
第九章 - 关于健康的思考 Episode 9 - Health Claims
理解替代疗法 Making sense of alternative medicine
对话Shepard Siegel Conversation with Shepard Siegel
你的大脑让你不生病 Mind over matter?
行为预测测试 Predicting malintent
相同定律 Like cures like
对话Jimmy Botella Conversation with Jimmy Botella
治疗误区 The man is keepin' me down
对话Ian Frazer Conversation with Ian Frazer
集群破坏者 Cluster buster
10个小问题 10 questions
实践 On campus
章节讨论 What do you think?
完整版对话Shepard Siegel Uncut conversation with Shepard Siegel
完整版对话Ian Frazer Uncut conversation with Ian Frazer
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第十章简介 Coming up in Episode 10...
第十章 - 实用型思维 Episode 10 - Applied Thinking
生命危在旦夕 Lives at stake
对话Scott Allen(第一节) Conversation with Scott Allen (Part 1)
危害在哪里 What's the harm?
对话Scott Allen(第二节)Conversation with Scott Allen (Part 2)
灵巧的双手 Clever hands
对话William Thompson Conversation with William Thompson
基于证据的证据 Evidence-based evidence
对话Stephan Lewandowsky Conversation with Stephan Lewandowsky
阴谋论的信仰 Belief in conspiracy theories
10个小问题 10 questions
实践 On campus
章节讨论 What do you think?
完整版对话 Uncut conversations
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第十一章简介 Coming up in Episode 11...
第十一章 - 情景开发 Episode 11 - Exploit the Situation
诚实和助人为乐 Honesty and a helping hand
人性的弱点 The weakness of personality
对话Ross和Nisbett(第一节) Conversation with Ross and Nisbett (Part 1)
情景的力量 The strength of the situation
对话Ross和Nisbett(第二节)Conversation with Ross and Nisbett (Part 2)
根本转变 The fundamental shift
对话Ross和Nisbett(第三节) Conversation with Ross and Nisbett (Part 3)
塑造行为 Shaping behavior
10个问题 10 questions
实践 On campus
你怎么看? What do you think?
完整版对话Lee Ross Uncut conversation with Lee Ross
完整版对话Richard Nisbett Uncut conversation with Richard Nisbett
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第十二章简介 Coming up in Episode 12...
第十二章 - 改变世界 Episode 12 - Change the World
总结 Bringing it all together
5个问题 5 questions
提高日常思考能力 Improve your everyday thinking
最终测验 Final exam
信念与想法的调查 Statements about belief and thinking
实践 On campus
学以致用 Make it happen
你将怎么做? What are you going to do about it?
如何改变世界 How to change the world
什么有问题? What's broken?




  • Jason Tangen



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