- 来自www.coursera.org
Introduction to Computational Arts
Consortium for Digital Arts & Technology (CDACT)
Stony Brook University and Coursera
Dr. Margaret Schedel
Catherine Katsafouros (TA)
Course Description
This multidisciplinary production class serves as an introduction to, and exploration of electronic media in the arts. Lectures will cover concepts and presentations of artists working in various capacities with computers, as well as tutorials on specific software packages.
No prerequisites or prior knowledge needed. Familiarity with computers is helpful but not necessary.
Course Requirements
- Internet connection
- Windows or Apple computer
- Ability to install software on your machine (admin account)
- Processing software:
- Visual arts software: You may use either
- Photoshop:
or Gimp: - Sound software: You may use either
- Logic: (Mac ONLY)
or Soundation - Digication e-Portfolio account (links and details will be provided)
Course Learning Outcomes
Learners who successfully complete this course will have learned basic skills in three programs: Processing, Photoshop or Gimp, and Logic or Soundation. Throughout the three primary modules, students will be learn to give critical feedback to their peers about technical and artistic matters through a grounding in the history of technology and the arts. A digital portfolio will showcase your work from this course which culminates in a computational artwork using all three programs.
Processing Outcomes:
- Understand the basics of computers, input and output devices, memory, and disks as demonstrated through quizzes and projects
- Navigate file systems in Windows and Mac OS X
- Demonstrate creative/conceptual awareness of generative design through peer critique
- Install and set-up a digital environment using Processing language.
- Generate and manipulate type, image and sound, incorporating principles of color, shape and grids.
Visual Arts Outcomes:
- Create, edit, manipulate digital images using the basic functions of visual arts software
- Demonstrate creative/conceptual awareness of visual design through peer critique
- Produce an artistic image using software
Sound Art Outcomes:
- Record, edit, and process digital sound using the basic functions of a Digital Audio Workstation.
- Demonstrate creative/conceptual awareness of sound art through peer critique
- Produce an effective 1-3 minute sound work with a formal structure
Textbook & Course Materials
Required Text: No required texts
Optional Texts:
by Hartmut Bohnacker (Author), Benedikt Gross (Author), Julia Laub (Author), Claudius Lazzeroni (Editor) ISBN-13: 978-1616890773
Publisher: Princeton Architectural Press
by Bruce Wands
ISBN-13: 978-0500286296
Publisher: Thames & Hudson
by Nick Collins (Author) , Margaret Schedel (Author) , Scott Wilson (Author)
ISBN-13: 978-1107648173
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
by Jon Duckett
ISBN-13: 978-1118008188
Publisher: Wiley
Assignments and projects are graded through a peer-review process; quizzes are multiple-choice and are graded by the computer. Your work on the assignments, projects and group presentation will be assessed two ways: your individual work to complete the assignment, project or presentation, and your own review of your peers’ work. Peer review counts as the participation component of your own grade, which means for everything you hand in you will also make substantive comments on the assignments which will be graded, and rate others’ comments
Description Weight Participation Component
Quizzes (14) 15 % 0 %
Assignments (12) 20 % 20 %
Project 1 (visual) 20 % 25 %
Project 2 (sound) 20 % 25 %
Final Project
(visual, sound, programming) 25 % 25 %
Passing Grade = 75%
After watching each video lecture series, you will take a multiple choice quiz which will count towards your final grade. You can only take these quizzes once. There are also “in-video questions,” and you must answer these questions correctly in order to advance the video, but these questions are NOT graded, you can re-do the “in-video” quiz as many times as you need to.
Assignments are purely technical; each module will include a detailed explanation of how to complete and grade each assignment. There will be 1 assignment (which may have multiple components) every week that there is no project due. Each assignment should take you no more than one hour.
Projects are both aesthetic and technical; there will be an explanation of how to grade projects but you must remember that art is subjective. There are only three projects, and together they are worth the majority of your grade. You can expect these projects to take at least 3-4 hours to complete. (Final project should take 6 hours.)
Group Presentation
In groups of 4-7, you will create a five-minute presentation that the other students can view. You can use any method or technology for loading this that works with your eportfolio site and collaborating. There will be a list of topics to choose from on a movement in twentieth or 21st century art or music.
Disclaimer: “The course schedule, policies, procedures, and assignments in this course are subject to change in the event of extenuating circumstances, by mutual agreement, and/or to ensure better student learning.”
Week 01-04 Introduction to Computing and Processing
Week 05-09 Introduction to Digital Art and Photoshop/Gimp
Week 10-14: Introduction to Electronic Music and Logic/Soundation
Week 15: Putting it All Together: Programming, Visuals and Sound
Assignments due:
Week 1 Install Programs
Week 2 Processing Assignment 1
Week 3 Processing Assignment 2
Week 4 Processing Assignment 3
Week 5 Image Assignment 1
Week 6 Image Assignment 2
Week 7 Image Assignment 3
Week 8 Image Assignment 4
Week 9 Project 1 (Image)
Week 10 Sound Assignment 1
Week 11 Sound Assignment 2
Week 12 Sound Assignment 3
Week 13 Project 2 (Sound)
Week 14 Portfolio Assignment 1
Week 15 Project 3 (Processing, Sound and Image)
Week 16 & 17 Project completion and peer grading
Course Questions - FAQ
Have a question about the content of the course? Check the Course FAQs discussion board and if you don’t see the answer to your question there, create a new thread and post your question. The course instructors will monitor the FAQ discussion board and will respond to questions posted.
Technical Assistance
Technical problems with Coursera should be reported to the support forums in two ways:
- Click:
- Using the in-context “report a problem” links on the course pages.
Be sure to note: The page where the problem occurred and what problem you had.
You will grade each other’s work, and also grade each other’s comments. There will be instructions on how to grade the assignments, projects, and presentation, and each assignment will come with it's own grading chart (rubric) to follow.
- Margaret Schedel - Music

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