Capstone: Photo Tourist Web Application

Capstone: Photo Tourist Web Application

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  • Week 1 - Technical Architecture and API Development Setup
    In this module, we will start your journey into being part of an end-to-end application development as a Rails/AngularJS fullstack developer intern. In this module you will learn the technical architecture and software requirements of the targeted application ...
  • Week 2 - SPA Development Setup
    In this module, you will develop an AngularJS web application for the purposes of managing a resource hosted by a Rails server. As a part of that, you will learn the details of the Rails Asset Pipeline for hosting web applications, key features to address when...
  • Week 3 - Testing
    In this module, you will learn how to development model, request, and feature specs using RSpec and to leverage gems like DatabaseCleaner, FactoryGirl, and Faker in building those specs. You will also learn how to DRY their tests using RSpec shared_contexts an...
  • Week 4 - Security and the Photo Tourist Domain Model
    In this module, you will learn how to implement authenticated interfaces providing role-based authorization required to protect web resources. You will also practice these techniques while implementing the core resources for the Photo Tourist application. You ...
  • Week 5 - Image Content
    In this module, you will implement image content within the end-to-end application. At the data tier, you will use the BSON::Binary type to store binary data within MongoDB, manipulate image sizes and content using ImageMagick/MiniMagick, implement model vali...
  • Week 6 - Geolocation
    target deployment module 6: Mar20
  • Week 7 - UI Layout and Subjects Page
    target deployment for module 7: Apr03
  • Week 8 - Mapping
    target deployment for module 8: Apr17 - contains a mandatory project




Jim Stafford
Adjunct Professor, Graduate Computer Science
Computer Science, Whiting School of Engineering


约翰霍普金斯大学(JHU)是一所美国私立大学,位于马里兰州巴尔的摩市。它在华盛顿特区、意大利博洛尼亚、新加坡和中国南京也设有校区。约翰-霍普金斯大学的名字源于一位富有的企业家约翰-霍普金斯,他在去世时将 700 万美元遗赠给了这所大学。

约翰霍普金斯大学是美国最负盛名的大学之一(尤其是其医学和公共卫生学院以及国际事务学院),它将自己定义为美国领先的 "研究型大学"。建校之初,它主要受到海德堡大学和威廉-冯-洪堡德国教育模式的启发。2019 年,有 39 位诺贝尔奖获得者的名字与这所大学有关2。


Coursera是一家数字公司,提供由位于加利福尼亚州山景城的计算机教师Andrew Ng和达芙妮科勒斯坦福大学创建的大型开放式在线课程。

Coursera与顶尖大学和组织合作,在线提供一些课程,并提供许多科目的课程,包括:物理,工程,人文,医学,生物学,社会科学,数学,商业,计算机科学,数字营销,数据科学 和其他科目。

此内容评级为 4.5/5
此内容评级为 4.5/5