Build web apps with ReactJS

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Part 1 - Set up a React development environment

1. Understand React and JavaScript frameworks
2. Use 'create-react-app' to build your React app
3. Look at what's been installed and generated
4. Mounting React inside the webpage
5. Check out the `App` component
6. Start serving and developing your React app
Quiz: Understanding React
Part 2 - Build components
1. Components and props
2. Build a ticking clock component
3. Handle events
4. Understand one-way data bindings
Quiz: Working With Components
Part 3 - Build an app
1. Break requirements down into components
2. Build a static app
3. Identify state
4. Handle user input
5. Practice: Add a validation message
6. Practice: Extend the form functionality to edit existing products


While this course makes an effort to explain language concepts as they appear, you'll get the most out of it if you're not struggling to understand the native constructs of the JavaScript language. You should be comfortable working with functions, variables, loops, arrays, and objects in JavaScript. The course also makes extensive use of some newer features in the JavaScript language, and while it spends a bit more time on these, some familiarity with ES Modules, classes, and arrow functions will only help.


Emily Reese
Emily's from New York City and lives in Paris, France. She's a web developer (formerly at Kickstarter), teacher at OpenClassrooms, and more!
Alexander Cox
I'm a frontend developer but my favorite JS is JS Bach. Formerly Kickstarter, and Patch.


OpenClassrooms (原名 le Site du Zéro 或 SdZ)是一个提供计算机、科学和创业课程的网站。

在线课程可以由该网站的团队、合作大学或大学校的教授或 OpenClassrooms 成员自己教授。

目前,课程有多种形式:MOOC(大规模在线开放课程)、网络文本、电子书、书籍和视频。公司为某些课程颁发证书,包括与 IESA Multimedia 合作颁发的国家承认的证书。


OpenClassrooms (原名 le Site du Zéro 或 SdZ)是一个提供计算机、科学和创业课程的网站。

在线课程可以由该网站的团队、合作大学或大学校的教授或 OpenClassrooms 成员自己教授。

目前,课程有多种形式:MOOC(大规模在线开放课程)、网络文本、电子书、书籍和视频。公司为某些课程颁发证书,包括与 IESA Multimedia 合作颁发的国家承认的证书。

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