App Monetization

App Monetization

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Lesson 1: Introducing Monetization

Developing an appropriate monetization strategy is comparable to finding the product/market fit for a new idea. This lesson will get you started on the path to finding that strategy by helping you think about profitability from the very beginning. You will also learn about different monetization models, profit margins, KPIs, and customer acquisition and retention.

Lesson 2: Monetization Strategies

They say nothing happens before you make your first dollar. This lesson takes a deep dive into monetization strategies for different platforms, covering freemium, subscription, eCommerce, and Ads across web, games, and native apps. You’ll learn about the tools startups use to implement these strategies and design a plan to execute a model for your own product.

Lesson 3: Implement a Monetization Plan

Monetization strategies change over time as the user base grows and the product evolves. In this lesson, you will choose and tailor a monetization strategy for your product and learn how to set up tracking to monitor its effectiveness. Using Google Analytics and other tracking tools, you will begin closely following and iterating based on behavior reports, crashes, exceptions, and app speed.

Lesson 4: Optimize Your Model

In the final lesson, you will learn how to react and re-engage users if your monetization strategies don’t originally work. Through a case study with Nir Eyal, you will see how product and monetization are closely tied and how the Hooked Model can be used to optimize your strategy.

Case Study: Wufoo

Learn how Kevin Hale got started with Wufoo (sold to SurveyMonkey).




  • Ido Green - Ido is a Developer Advocate for Google Chrome. In the past 20 years, he started six companies and had a lot of fun developing and scaling large systems. He has a wide array of skills and experience, including HTML5, JavaScript, Java, PHP -- and all aspects of agile development and scaling systems. His last book [Web Workers: Multithreaded Programs in JavaScript]( will help you sleep better on long flights. You can follow his adventures [here.](


谷歌是一家公司,由谷歌搜索引擎的创始人拉里-佩奇(Larry Page)和塞尔吉-布林(Sergueï Brin)于 1998 年 9 月 4 日在加利福尼亚州硅谷的谷歌车库创立。

该公司主要通过其搜索引擎的垄断地位而声名鹊起,先是面临 AltaVista 的竞争,然后是雅虎和必应的竞争。此后,该公司进行了一系列收购和开发,如今拥有许多著名的软件产品和网站,包括 YouTube、Android 手机操作系统以及 Google Earth、Google Maps 和 Google Play 等其他服务。


Udacity est une entreprise fondé par Sebastian Thrun, David Stavens, et Mike Sokolsky offrant cours en ligne ouvert et massif.

Selon Thrun, l'origine du nom Udacity vient de la volonté de l'entreprise d'être "audacieux pour vous, l'étudiant ". Bien que Udacity se concentrait à l'origine sur une offre de cours universitaires, la plateforme se concentre désormais plus sur de formations destinés aux professionnels.
