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Intercultural Communication


25 September 2020                

Read time: 6 minutes


Intercultural or interpersonal communication may be defined as a continuous occurrence for mutual transfer of information resulting from happenings in the past and the past actions of the concerned parties.

Intercultural communication arises when different groups of varied cultures gather and convey information correctly and skillfully in a manner acceptable to the group’s diverse opinions.

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Importance of Intercultural Communication

Intercultural communication offers the ability to deal across cultures, which is increasingly important, as the world gets smaller. Getting smaller doesn't mean the world is becoming identical, it means having more and more contact with people who are culturally different. The importance of intercultural communication is mentioned below in the Downloadable PDF.

📥 Intercultural Communication



International communication is the transfer of information between one government to another government mutually.

Intracultural communication is that which occurs within the same cultural group.

Intercultural business communication takes place within a business group or among many business concerns, both having people of diverse cultures.

Intercultural business communication

In intercultural communication, people of one culture try to know the information conveyed to them by other cultures. For example, in a hotel establishment, the hoteliers assess their customers’ requirements, tastes, and provide services accordingly. The customers also inform the hoteliers of their needs.

Distinct cultures arise from:

Nations, races, religions, managers, workers, linguistics, philosophical beliefs, commerce, officers, genders, etc.

To share information and ideas among cultures, it is necessary to know one’s own culture, cultures of other surrounding groups, the dominating group’s culture and co-cultures of gender, religion or age group, etc.

What is interpersonal communication?

In interpersonal communication, both verbal (oral) and non – verbal modes exist.

The non-verbal mode is silent, exhibiting body language using eye contact, hand movements, facial expressions, and other body gestures.

interpersonal communication, both verbal (oral) and non – verbal

Non-verbal behavior is preferred and adopted more by females than males.

White people give more importance to non-verbal behavior.

Types of Intercultural Communication (IC) skills

There are 4 types of IC skills as below:

1.  Personal character like communication ability is not limited to the recipient, situation, and time.

2.  Communication skills suitable to situations independent of the receiver or receivers.

Examples: public speaking, group meetings and job interviews.

public speaking, group meetings and job interviews

3. Communication based on the audience, single or many receivers.

Examples: stranger, superiors.

Examples: stranger, superiors

4. Communication with a receiver about specific situations while being constrained by time.

Examples: with superior in their office.

Communication with superior in their office

Examples on Intercultural communication

  • A Christian converses with a Muslim.
  • A woman receives an order from a man.
  • An American and African share their views.
  • A Chinese politician’s discussion with an American leader.

Things to be avoided in IC

i)  Abusing the traditions.

ii)  Slangs, idioms, and other regional sayings.

iii)  Insensitivity and unempathetic to other cultures and habits.

iv)  Not giving due consideration for language barriers.

The importance of Intercultural communication

Interested academics and academics have researched the different intercultural communication aspects. Such studies are being used in business concerns, management, advertising, commercial establishments, website design, etc.

importance of Intercultural communication

These uses have become global as these establishments have wide networks all over the world. For them, IC is essential for the enlargement of their business and maximization of their profits by better managing their staff and understanding their consumer’s needs. Intercultural theories are now widely used in education, health care, and other public services. Such developments have been necessitated due to ever-increasing multicultural groups of the population.

As we are not alone, we need to move in society. For this, the sharing of information, thoughts, and ideas are necessary. It is called communication, and via communication, we express our views, make others aware of our presence, and participate in every activity. Thus, avoiding separation from society, fulfilling our ambitions to achieve our aim, educating the people, etc. are the purposes of intercultural communication.

Education and intercultural communication

The students in school are from diverse cultural groups of society. It is useful to spread knowledge among the students by properly utilizing intercultural communication.

Intercultural communication has different features:

i) Diverse groups express their thoughts in various ways.

Education and intercultural communication

ii) Silent communication is sometimes more effective than an oral one. i.e., by eyes, touch, and other body language gestures. They should be correctly interpreted.

Silent communication is sometimes more effective than an oral one


Communication is vital for us to live in a society


Communication is vital for us to live in a society. Communication has developed vastly today from intrapersonal, through interpersonal, intercultural and intracultural stages. Messages can be communicated from person to person, person to small and large gatherings. The audience may be of the same kind of group or diverse kinds of political groups, ruling people, scientists, doctors and professionals. Intercultural communication is necessarily global today to address the needs of the various groups of people in every nation, race, religion, culture, professions, and politics. Today we are covered by the global economy, interdependent situation, intercultural communication is to be utilized beneficially.

Written by P. Reeta Percy Malathi, Cuemath Teacher.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is interpersonal communication?

In interpersonal communication, both verbal (oral) and non – verbal modes exist.

The non- verbal mode is silent, exhibiting body language using eye contact, hand movements, facial expressions, and other body gestures. The non – verbal behavior is preferred and adopted more by females than males.

White people prefer non – verbal behavior. Serious partners preferred and worked on non – verbal communication than casual partners.

Types of interpersonal communication

I. oral (through speech)

i) Between two people(telephone).

Between two people(telephone)

ii) Public speeches

Public speeches

iii) Small group communication.

II. Non-verbal

-Through body language.

What is the nature of interpersonal communication?

Nature of interpersonal communication (IPC):

  • It is for independent individuals.
  • It is both verbal and body language messages.
  • It exists in various forms.
  • IPC is relational naturally.
  • It has a continuously rising trend.

What is intrapersonal communication?

Intrapersonal communication is a person’s communication with himself. It is an internal thinking activity and silent dialogue, rarely loud.

Intrapersonal communication is a person’s communication with himself

Thus, it is self-talk before we act. The sender and receiver of the message are the same people, the message being our thought. Intrapersonal communication is perpetual.

What is the purpose of intercultural communication?

Sharing information, thoughts, and ideas is necessary. It is called communication and by communication, we express our views. We make others aware of our presence and participate in any activity. Thus, avoiding separation from society, fulfilling our ambitions to achieve our aim, educating the people, etc. are the purposes of intercultural communication.

purpose of intercultural communication

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