- From www.coursera.org
Presumed Innocent? The Social Science of Wrongful Conviction

- Self-paced
- Free Access
- Бесплатный сертификат
- 7 Sequences
- Introductive Level
Course details
Each week wewill cover two lessons in the course. Each lesson, while related, will be considered independently.
Week One:
Introduction to the Criminal Justice System
Social Science and Public Policy: Due Process and Crime Control
Week Two:
Wrongful Conviction Defined
Wrongful Conviction Demographics and Statistics
Week Three:
Wrongful Conviction and the Criminal Justice Process—Where do things go wrong?
Causes of Wrongful Conviction: Eyewitness Misidentification—An Introduction
Week Four:
Causes of Wrongful Conviction: Eyewitness Misidentification—System Variables
Causes of Wrongful Conviction: Eyewitness Misidentification—Estimator Variables
Week Five:
Causes of Wrongful Conviction: False Confessions
Causes of Wrongful Conviction: Jailhouse Snitches and Informants
Week Six:
Causes of Wrongful Conviction: Government Misconduct and Poor Defense
Myths and Misconceptions of Decision-Makers: Judges, Juries, and the Public
Week Seven:
Using Social Science to Prevent Wrongful Convictions
What can you do?
- Tim Robicheaux - Department of Sociology and Criminology

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