Performance Assessment in the Virtual Classroom

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  • Self-paced
  • Free Access
  • Fee-based Certificate
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  • 5 Sequences
  • Introductive Level

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  • Week 1 - Week 1: The Importance of Performance and Assessment in the Virtual Classroom
    Welcome to the course! Begin by watching the welcome video and familiarizing yourself with the course. This week, we will discuss the importance of performance and assessment in the virtual classroom. We will also review math topics that can be applied to grad...
  • Week 2 - Week 2: Assessing Students Virtually, Academic Integrity, and Administering High Stakes Testing at a Distance
    In week two, we will address the concerns regarding academic integrity as well as the challenges that have arisen due to the nature of the environment and how we can combat some of these challenges. We will also be taking a look at how to virtually assess a st...
  • Week 3 - Week 3: Data Analysis and Grade book Management in the Virtual Classroom
    In week three, we will cover some of the best practices for data analysis and grade book management and the intended and unintended consequences for using these types of practices.
  • Week 4 - Week 4: Performance and Assessment for Special Populations: Gifted, At-Risk, and Special Needs Students
    In week four, we will be taking a look at the different ways in which we will need to assess students based upon the type of student that they are, as well as how we can accommodate their needs and work together with them.
  • Week 5 - Week 5: Instructional Feedback, Monitoring Performance and Assessment Using Technology
    In this last week, we will discuss the importance of instructional feedback in this type of online setting, how instructional feedback affects a student's performance, monitoring their performance, and assessing their performance using technology.




Racquel Nedden
Instructor & Lead Teacher
UCI Extension & UC Scout


L'université de Californie à Irvine (University of California, Irvine ; communément appelée UC Irvine) est un campus de l'université de Californie fondé en 1965, situé à Irvine. 

Au centre du comté d'Orange, UC Irvine dessert les cinq régions les plus peuplées des États-Unis.


Coursera - это цифровая компания, предлагающая массовые открытые онлайн-курсы, основанные учителями компьютеров Эндрю Нгом и Стэнфордским университетом Дафни Коллер, расположенные в Маунтин-Вью, штат Калифорния.

Coursera работает с ведущими университетами и организациями, чтобы сделать некоторые из своих курсов доступными в Интернете, и предлагает курсы по многим предметам, включая: физику, инженерию, гуманитарные науки, медицину, биологию, социальные науки, математику, бизнес, информатику, цифровой маркетинг, науку о данных и другие предметы.

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