Using The Next Generation Science Standards for Students’ Deeper Understanding

Using The Next Generation Science Standards for Students’ Deeper Understanding

8 h
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  • 4 Sequences
  • Introductive Level

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Week1:Learn about the Framework for K-12 Science Education and how it is organized byPractices, Crosscutting Concepts and Core Ideas for one specific grade level orcontent strand.  Understand how theorganization of the Framework will guide teachers in the development of deeperstudent understanding in science. Analyze a Performance Expectation (PE) for one of the NGSS and determine how the three strands are embedded in the PE.

Week2:Explore the Disciplinary Core Ideas as outlined in the K-12 Framework for Science Education by the NRC. Based on your understanding of how these are vertically alinged from K-6, and for secondary science, compare the alignment to a set of education standards used in your community.

Week 3: Scientific and Engineering Practices to understand how they aresimilar processes with very different outcomes. Based on an understanding of how these practices are utilized by the STEMWorkforce, analyze how each practice is used in a relevant, real-worldproblem-based situation.

Week 4: Explore the Crosscutting Concepts as outlined in the K-12 Framework for Science Education by the NRC.  Determine how they are used within the Framework to build a deeper understanding of the DCI to which it is attached.  Compare the use of the CCC within the NGSS compared to the education standards of your community.

Comprehensive Assignment:  Using the alignment of the components of the NGSS and your local science education standards for one specific grade level and concept, compare and contrast the comprehensive nature of both standards in meeting the needs of your school system now and in the future, for the instruction of science education.




  • Terry Talley - SRT-STEM Center at UTMB


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