- From www.coursera.org
Understanding Russian Economy. Problems of Transition
- Self-paced
- Free Access
- Fee-based Certificate
- 8 Sequences
- Introductive Level
Course details
- Week 1 - Introduction to ‘a transition in Russia’ course
Welcome to the Week 1! This module will introduce you to the basics of the given course and to the general issues of transition in Russia. You will learn about economic features of Russia. Our video-lectures will answer the following question: how the transiti... - Week 2 - Brief Russian economic history
Welcome to the Week 2! On this week you’ll learn how the transition was set up and organized. In this module we begin the analysis of the Russian economic policy. Understanding the specifics of transition process is crucial for understanding the roots and reas... - Week 3 - Pillars of market reforms
Welcome to the Week 3! Today we continue to analyze initial measures within market reforms in Russia. The module will cover several topics like price liberalization including radical reform widely known as ‘’shock therapy’’ and real estate privatization. Then ... - Week 4 - Lost opportunities of transition
Welcome to the Week 4! Now we are coming to the next period of the Russian economic transition, namely the period since 1993. As usual you will get useful knowledge through video-lectures. However don’t forget to look at the list of recommended literature in c... - Week 5 - Understanding the golden decade and the subsequent crisis
Welcome to the Week 5! We continue to analyze Russian economy in transition. This week we pass on to an extremely interesting period of Russian economic history. We will look at the decade of steady growth, which can be called the golden decade for Russian eco... - Week 6 - Lessons of transition. Searching for solutions
Welcome to the Week 6! Now we will focus on some lessons of transition. To be more precise you will learn what role Stabilization Fund plays in Russian economy. ‘’To save or to borrow’’ dilemma and its solution in Russia will be discussed in this module as wel... - Week 7 - Fundamental challenges to the Russian economy
Welcome to the Week 7! Special focus will be on difficulties which Russia has faced as a result of the transition. There is rather long list of current challenges to Russian economic development. These problems have different roots, which we will consider. Ple... - Week 8 - Fundamental challenges to the Russian economy (follow up)
Welcome to the Week 8! We continue to speak on major challenges of Russian economy. It is our final lecture on the domestic issues of Russian economy. So you will get some general conclusions over economic transition in Russia. We offer you to pass a test that...
Vladimir Zuev
Department of Trade Policy
L'Université nationale de recherche « École des hautes études en sciences économiques » (EHESE), de Moscou a été fondée en 1992 à l'initiative d'économistes russes.
Université d'État depuis 2001, d'abord sous tutelle du ministère du développement économique, elle est depuis 2008 un établissement d'enseignement supérieur et de recherche rattaché directement au gouvernement de la fédération de Russie. Son statut actuel d'université nationale de recherche de Russie lui a été conféré en 2009, après un concours inter-universitaire.
Elle est connue à l'international sous le nom de Higher School of Economics (HSE).
Outre Moscou, l'école possède trois campus-filiales : à Saint-Pétersbourg, Nijni Novgorod et Perm.
Régulièrement classée dans le Top 100 des meilleures universités mondiales selon le QS World University Rankings, elle est la seconde plus réputée4 de Russie.
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