- From www.coursera.org
Foundations of Teaching for Learning 7: Being a Professional
24 h
This content is rated 4.5 out of 5

- Self-paced
- Free Access
- Бесплатный сертификат
- 6 Sequences
- Introductive Level
Course details
- Week 1 - What it means to be a professional
This week we will consider what it means to be a teaching professional. We will ask you to think about your own beliefs about teaching and education in light of the expectations that society has for teachers. We will also reflect on the importance of the teach... - Week 2 - Ethics, codes of conduct and standards for teachers
Now that we have started to consider teaching as a profession, we will begin to reflect on professional behaviour and ethics in more detail. We will look at the various means that are used to ensure that agreed professional standards are met. The topics covere... - Week 3 - Legal and administrative responsibilities of a teacher
This week we will consider the roles that statute law, judge-made law and case law play in teaching and schooling. We will examine the concept of duty of care, the care that is owed to students by their teachers and school, and its implications for your profes... - Week 4 - Developing a personal philosophy of teaching
Building on the last three weeks, we will now consider the importance of developing a personal philosophy of teaching. We will look at the impact that teaching and schools can have on student learning and development, and on student lives more generally. We wi... - Week 5 - Being part of a professional learning community
Professional learning has a powerful role in improving teaching and learning. We will consider its impact by looking at research that demonstrates its influence on teacher quality and student outcomes. This will be complemented with case studies of professiona... - Week 6 - Continuing to develop as a professional
We will conclude this course by examining the need for a teacher to continue to develop as a professional. It is important for teachers to periodically reflect on their teaching, engage in self-assessment, and set goals for future professional learning and dev...
- Professor Stephen Dinham, Chair of Teacher Education and Director of Learning and Teaching
University of Melbourne, Australia
The Commonwealth Education Trust invests in primary and secondary education and the professional development of teachers throughout their careers. Through education it seeks to enhance the opportunities for children from all walks of life to contribute to the sustainable development of their communities.

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