- From www.coursera.org
Engineering Life: Synbio, Bioethics & Public Policy

- Self-paced
- Free Access
- Fee-based Certificate
- 5 Sequences
- Intermediate Level
Course details
- Week 1 - Welcome to Engineering Life: SynBio, Bioethics & Public Policy
- Week 1 - Recombinant DNA Technology: Science and History
We start the course by learning a bit about the history and context of the development of recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology in the 1970s, the ethics and policy issues raised by that science, and how those issues remain with us today in synthetic biology. The w... - Week 2 - GOF Research
In Week 2 we will learn about and discuss gain of function (GOF) research and the dual-use concerns raised by synthetic biology. The work of the week includes lecture videos, a number of outside videos, and readings. The assessment this week will be your first... - Week 3 - Biofuels
This week, we’ll learn about biofuels, the complex task of balancing the many ethical issues they raise, and the role of synthetic biology in biofuels development. The work of the week includes lecture videos, one outside video, readings, and an interview with... - Week 4 - Human Health
This week we will learn a bit about applications of synthetic biology to human health, and the ethics of human subjects research. The work of the week includes lecture videos, one outside video, and readings. The assessment this week will be your second peer-a... - Week 5 - Governance
In the final week of the course, we will talk about both models of governance for emerging biotechnologies and the role of public engagement in the development and oversight of the science. The work of the week includes lecture videos, one outside video, and r...
Debra JH Mathews, PhD, MA
Assistant Director for Science Programs
Berman Institute of Bioethics
L’université Johns-Hopkins (Johns Hopkins University, ou JHU) est une université privée américaine, située à Baltimore dans le Maryland. Elle possède également des campus à Washington, à Bologne en Italie, à Singapour et à Nankin en Chine. Elle doit son nom à Johns Hopkins, un entrepreneur fortuné qui a légué à sa mort 7 millions de dollars à l'université.
Comptant parmi les universités les plus prestigieuses des États-Unis (surtout pour ses facultés de médecine et de santé publique, ainsi que pour son école d'affaires internationales), l'institution se définit comme la première « université de recherche » du pays. Au début de son histoire, elle s'est principalement inspirée de l'université de Heidelberg et du modèle d'instruction allemand de Wilhelm von Humboldt. En 2019, 39 lauréats du prix Nobel ont leur nom associé à l'université.

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