Statistical Thinking for Data Science and Analytics

35 h
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  • Free Access
  • Fee-based Certificate
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  • 5 Sequences
  • Introductive Level

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Week 1 – Introduction to Data Science

Week 2 – Statistical Thinking

  • Examples of Statistical Thinking
  • Numerical Data, Summary Statistics
  • From Population to Sampled Data
  • Different Types of Biases
  • Introduction to Probability
  • Introduction to Statistical Inference

Week 3 – Statistical Thinking 2

  • Association and Dependence
  • Association and Causation
  • Conditional Probability and Bayes Rule
  • Simpsons Paradox, Confounding
  • Introduction to Linear Regression
  • Special Regression Models

Week 4 – Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization

  • Goals of statistical graphics and data visualization
  • Graphs of Data
  • Graphs of Fitted Models
  • Graphs to Check Fitted Models
  • What makes a good graph?
  • Principles of graphics

Week 5 – Introduction to Bayesian Modeling

  • Bayesian inference: combining models and data in a forecasting problem
  • Bayesian hierarchical modeling for studying public opinion
  • Bayesian modeling for Big Data


High School Math. Some exposure to computer programming.


Andrew Gelman
Professor of Statistics and Political Science
Columbia University

David Madigan
Executive Vice President and Dean of Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Columbia University

Lauren Hannah
Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics
Columbia University

Eva Ascarza
Assistant Professor of Marketing at Columbia Business School
Columbia University

James Curley
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Columbia University

Tian Zheng
Series Creator
Columbia University


L'université Columbia est une université privée située dans le quartier de Morningside Heights, dans le nord-ouest de l'arrondissement de Manhattan, à New York (États-Unis). Elle trouve son origine dans le King's College fondée en 1754 par le roi George II de Grande-Bretagne. Elle est l'un des plus anciens établissements d’enseignement supérieur aux États-Unis et fait partie du groupe de l'Ivy League regroupant huit des universités les plus anciennes, les plus célèbres, les plus prestigieuses et les plus élitistes du pays.

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