Sports and Building Aerodynamics

40 h
This content is rated 4.5 out of 5
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  • Self-paced
  • Free Access
  • Fee-based Certificate
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  • 8 Sequences
  • Intermediate Level

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Thisis a six-week course with the following contents:

Week1: Basicaspects of fluid flow

  1. Fluid properties - part 1 (velocity, pressure, temperature)
  2. Fluid properties - part 2 (density)
  3. Fluid properties - part 3 (viscosity)
  4. Flow properties - part 1
  5. Flow properties - part 2
  6. Fluid statics, kinematics, dynamics
  7. Boundary layers - part 1
  8. Boundary layers - part 2
  9. Boundary layers - part 3
  10. The atmospheric boundary layer

Week2:  Wind-tunnel testing

  1. Why wind-tunnel testing?
  2. Wind-tunnel types and applications
  3. The atmospheric boundary layer wind tunnel
  4. Wind-tunnel components
  5. Measurements and flow visualization
  6. Similarity and flow quality
  7. Best practice guidelines

Week3: Computational Fluid Dynamics

  1. ComputationalFluid Dynamics: what, why and how?
  2. Approximateforms of the Navier-Stokesequations
  3. Turbulencemodeling
  4. Someaspects of discretization
  5. Near-wallmodeling
  6. Errorsand uncertainty, verification and validation
  7. Bestpractice guidelines
  8. ComputationalWindEngineering – Part 1
  9. ComputationalWind Engineering – Part 2

Week4:  Building aerodynamics

  1. Windflow around buildings – part 1
  2. Windflow around buildings – part 2
  3. Pedestrian-levelwind conditions around buildings – part 1
  4. Pedestrian-levelwind conditions around buildings – part 2
  5. Pedestrian-levelwind conditions around buildings – part 3
  6. Naturalventilation of buildings
  7. Wind-drivenrain on building facades – part 1
  8. Wind-drivenrain on building facades – part 2
  9. Windenergy in the built environment – part 1
  10. Windenergy in the built environment – part 2

Week5: 100 m sprint aerodynamics

  1. Why study sprint aerodynamics?
  2. Mathematical-physical model of running
  3. Wind effects
  4. Altitude effects
  5. Stadium aerodynamics and sprint records
  6. Interview with a professional athletics coach

Week6:  Cycling aerodynamics

  1. Whystudy cycling aerodynamics?
  2. Wind-tunneltesting for a single cyclist – Part 1
  3. Wind-tunneltesting for a single cyclist – Part 2
  4. CFDsimulations for a single cyclist
  5. Aerodynamicsof two drafting cyclists
  6. Aerodynamicsof drafting cyclist groups
  7. Aerodynamics of car-cyclist combinations
  8. Interview  with professional cycling coaches from teams Belkin and RaboLiv




Bert Blocken
Department of the Built Environment


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