- From www.coursera.org
Resilience in Children Exposed to Trauma, Disaster and War: Global Perspectives

- Self-paced
- Free Access
- Fee-based Certificate
- 6 Sequences
- Introductive Level
Course details
- Week 1 - Week 1: Origins and Landmark Studies in the Science of Resilience in Children
The first module of this course provides an introduction to the course and to the science of resilience. Video lectures discuss the meaning of resilience and the origins of resilience science. Participants will begin to think about case examples of resilience ... - Week 2 - Week 2: Methods and Models of Research on Resilience (including case studies)
This module highlights the models and methods used in resilience science, including person-focused methods and variable-focused methods. The case study of Dr. Maddaus continues and the case of resilience in early childhood is presented. - Week 3 - Week 3: Effects on Children of Natural and Technological Disasters
This module focuses on what has been learned from research on children who experience disasters, including the effects on children and patterns of recovery. Participants will watch a video interview with an expert on children in disaster and additional videos ... - Week 4 - Week 4: Resilience in Children Exposed to War and Political Violence
This module highlights what has been learned about the effects of war, terror, and political violence on children and youth. What are the effects of these violent experiences on young people? What has been learned about resilience? We will examine the provocat... - Week 5 - Week 5: Roles of Families, Schools, Culture, and Community in Promoting Resilience of Children
This module summarizes the findings on protective factors for resilience in children. Professor Masten presents her ideas about the adaptive systems that account for most of the capacity for resilience in children, what she has called “ordinary magic.” The rol... - Week 6 - Week 6: A Resilience Framework for Action, Enduring Controversies, and New Horizons in the Study of Resilience
In video lectures this final week of the course, Professor Masten presents a general resilience framework for designing interventions and programs to promote resilience. She also discusses enduring controversies in the study of resilience and new frontiers, in...
Ann S. Masten, Ph.D., LP
Regents Professor, Irving B. Harris Professor of Child Development
Institute of Child Development
L'université du Minnesota, Twin Cities est une université américaine fondée en 1851.
Elle se situe conjointement dans les villes de Minneapolis et de Saint Paul dites les « villes jumelles (Twin Cities) » de l'État du Minnesota aux États-Unis. L'université constitue la partie la plus ancienne et plus grande du système universitaire du Minnesota. Elle est souvent classée parmi les 30 meilleures universités au monde par le classement de Shanghaï (Academic Ranking of World Universities).
Son corps étudiant est le deuxième plus grand des États-Unis avec 52 557 étudiants, et un rapport de 1 professeur pour 16 étudiants. Il est situé sur deux campus dans chacune des deux villes reliés par un système d'autobus réservé à l'université. À cause de la géographie particulière du Minnesota (plus de 12 000 lacs, et des centaines de kilomètres de parcs et de forêts), l'université a une activité de recherche intense en environnement, ressources et énergies renouvelables et développement durable. Son impact économique annuel est estimée à 8,9 milliards de dollars sur l'économie locale.

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