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  • From www.fun-mooc.fr
  • Free Access
  • Fee-based Certificate
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  • 7 Sequences
  • Intermediate Level
  • Субтитры доступны на French
  • Starts on 7 ноября 2022
  • Ends on 6 февраля 2023

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Course details


At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Explain the transmission, symptoms and clinical management of rabies 
  • Specify the importance of different animal reservoirs in the spread of the virus 
  • Describe human and animal vaccination strategies to combat rabies virus
  • Identify the role of international organizations in rabies elimination
  • Discuss rabies control strategies in different regions of the world 

Course plan

Chapter 1 – Introduction

  • C1.1 : General introduction and history / Hervé BOURHY (IPP, France)
  • C1.2 : Rabies virus and lyssaviruses: structure, replication, virus-host cell interactions / Noel TORDO (IPGui, Guinea)

Chapter 2 - Rabies (transmission, clinical pictures, management and diagnosis)

  • C2.1 : Rabies in dogs / Jesse BOMWITT (Durham University - UK)
  • C2.2 : Rabies in humans / Beatriz QUIAMBAO (Research Institute for Tropical Medicine (RITM), the Philippines)
  • C2.3 : Diagnosis in animals / Paola DE BENEDICTIS (IZSVe, Italy)
  • C2.4 : Diagnosis in humans / Laurent DACHEUX (IPP, France)

Chapter 3 - Epidemiology of animal and human rabies

  • C3.1 : Dog ecology and role of the dogs as main reservoir of rabies / Véronique CHEVALIER (CIRAD/IPM, Madagascar)
  • C3.2 : Role of wildlife carnivores / Cécile TROUPIN (IPC, Cambodia)
  • C3.3 : Role of bats, Jordi SERRA-COBO (University of Barcelona, Spain)
  • C3.4 : Global epidemiology of human rabies / Katie HAMPSON (University of Glasgow, UK)

Chapter 4 - Rabies vaccines & human and animal vaccine strategies

  • C4.1 : Anti-rabies immune responses / Tineke CANTHAERT (IPC, Cambodia)
  • C4.2 : Human rabies vaccines / Lucille BLUMBERG (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
  • C4.3 : Animal rabies vaccines / Ryan WALLACE (CDC, USA)
  • C4.4 : Vaccination in humans (pre- and post-exposure) / Arnaud TARANTOLA (Santé Publique France, France)
  • C4.5 : Implementation of PEP in developing countries: the example of Cambodia / Sowath LY (IPC, Cambodia)
  • C4.6 : Vaccination in dogs / Florence CLIQUET (ANSES, France)
  • C4.7 : Rabies control strategies at the example of Africa / Jakob ZINSSTAG (Swiss TPH, Switzerland)

Chapter 5 - Prophylactic and therapeutic perspectives

  • C5.1 : Development of new rabies vaccines / Charles RUPPRECHT (LYSSA LLC, USA)
  • C5.2 : Drugs strategies / Noel TORDO (IPGui, Guinea)
  • C5.3 : Monoclonal antibodies / Hervé BOURHY (IPP, France)

Chapter 6 : Towards the elimination of human rabies: Role of International Organizations

  • C6.1 : As we step closer: The “Zero by 30” rabies elimination strategy / Bernadette ABELA-RIDDER (WHO, Switzerland)
  • C6.2 : The role of international organisations in reaching “Zero by 30” / Rachel TIDMAN (OIE, France)
  • C6.3 : Work of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nation (FAO) on Rabies: Contributing to “0 by 30” / Katinka De Balogh (FAO, Italy)
  • C6.4 : Communication and community participation / Louis NEL (GARC, South Africa)

Chapter 7 - Some examples of field stories

  • C7.1: Oral vaccination from foxes to dogs / Thomas MULLER (FLI, Germany)
  • C7.2: Rabies situation in the Americas / Marco VIGILATO (PAHO, USA)
  • C7.3 : Rabies situation in India and elimination issues in Asia / Reeta S. MANI (NIMHANS, India)
  • C7.4: Example of Morocco / Oussama DEHHANI (ONSSA, Morocco)
  • C7.5: Example of KwaZulu- Natal, South Africa / Kevin LEROUX (Kwazulu Natal Department of Agriculture, South Africa)


This MOOC is open to anyone interested in rabies, with a good scientific background. A scientific degree is recommended to follow this MOOC.


Hervé Bourhy
MOOC Director - Prof. Hervé Bourhy heads the Global Health Department, the Lyssavirus, Epidemiology and Neuropathology Laboratory, the WHO Collaborating Center for Rabies Reference and Research and the National Reference Center for Rabies at the Institut Pasteur, Paris, France.

Noël Tordo
MOOC Director - Dr. Noël Tordo, Director of the Institut Pasteur de Guinée, Member of the Board of the Pasteur Network, President of the French Society for Virology.

Cécile Troupin
MOOC Coordinator - Doctor in virology, I have been working on rabies in the Pasteur Network for 10 years. I am currently in charge of the Medical Virology and Rabies group at the Pasteur Institute of Laos.

Guilherme DIAS DE MELO
Community manager of Rabies MOOC


L'Institut Pasteur est une fondation française privée à but non lucratif, sise à Paris, qui se consacre à l'étude de la biologie, des micro-organismes, des maladies et des vaccins.

Créé en 1888 grâce à une souscription publique internationale, il est ainsi nommé d'après Louis Pasteur1, son fondateur et premier directeur qui, en 1885, a mis au point le premier vaccin contre la rage.

Depuis plus d’un siècle, l’Institut Pasteur est à la pointe de la lutte contre les maladies infectieuses. Cette organisation internationale de recherche a été la première à isoler en 1983 le virus de l'immunodéficience humaine (VIH), virus qui provoque le syndrome d'immunodéficience acquise (SIDA). Au fil des années, il a été à l'origine de découvertes révolutionnaires qui ont permis à la médecine de contrôler des maladies virulentes, telles que la diphtérie, le tétanos, la tuberculose, la poliomyélite, la grippe, la fièvre jaune, la peste épidémique, l'hépatite B, le SIDA.


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