Questionnaire Design for Social Surveys

Questionnaire Design for Social Surveys

24 h
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  • Self-paced
  • Free Access
  • Fee-based Certificate
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  • 6 Sequences
  • Introductive Level

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  • Week 1 - Introduction and Unit 1: Overview of Standardized Interviewing
    Introduction; Different types of questions, Measurement error in questions: Bias and variance; Standardized and conversational interviewing; From specifying a concept to asking questions
  • Week 2 - Unit 2: Response Process
    Comprehension; Retrieval; Judgment; Response
  • Week 3 - Unit 3: Asking Factual Questions
    Facts and quasi facts; Memory and recall; Asking sensitive questions; Mode, privacy and confidentiality
  • Week 4 - Unit 4: Measuring Attitudes
    Context effects in attitude questions; Use of different scales; Offering don’t know options; Response order effects
  • Week 5 - Unit 5: Testing Questionnaires
    Expert reviews and focus groups; Cognitive interviews; Behavior coding; Quantitative techniques
  • Week 6 - Unit 6: Putting It All Together
    The questionnaire from start to finish; Things to put at the end; Mode Choice: Implementations for layout; Self-administered questionnaires




Frederick Conrad, Ph.D.
Research Professor, Survey Methodology
Institute for Social Research

Frauke Kreuter, Ph.D.
Professor, Joint Program in Survey Methodology
Adjunct Research Professor, Institute for Social Research


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