- From www.coursera.org

- Self-paced
- Free Access
- Fee-based Certificate
- 6 Sequences
- Intermediate Level
Course details
- Week 1 - Introduction
- Week 1 - Government in a Market Economy
In this lecture we discuss reasons calling for government presence in market economies. We stress key advantages of markets over governments which make privately taken decisions highly efficient in the absence of externalities. The latter significantly distort... - Week 2 - Design of Government: A Tax Theory Primer
This lecture covers the positive and normative theories of taxation, ways and means to collect public revenues, and existing informational, administrative, political constraints governments have to deal with. We consider lump sum tax as first best option whic... - Week 3 - Scope of Government
In this lecture we discuss how governments perform their key functions such as public regulation and public service delivery using three cases. In the first case, we discuss alternative means to control externalities by considering situations when private firm... - Week 4 - Politics of Public Economics
This lecture begins with an analysis of how public economic policies differ from each other in democracies and autocracies. We next turn to politics of public economics in democracies and begin with the classical result about non-existence of a universal rule ... - Week 5 - Working of the Government
In this lecture we discuss external and internal agency problems, i.e. relations between government (as an agent) and society (the principal) and between rank-and-file bureaucrats (the agents) and their bosses (the principals). We discuss ex ante and ex post a... - Week 6 - Government and Society
In this final lecture of the course we discuss the role of society in public sector economics. We start with the notion of social capital and show its duality: its substitutional and complementary relations to government. Our first illustration of the interpla...
Leonid Polishchuk
Department of Applied Economics
L'Université nationale de recherche « École des hautes études en sciences économiques » (EHESE), de Moscou a été fondée en 1992 à l'initiative d'économistes russes.
Université d'État depuis 2001, d'abord sous tutelle du ministère du développement économique, elle est depuis 2008 un établissement d'enseignement supérieur et de recherche rattaché directement au gouvernement de la fédération de Russie. Son statut actuel d'université nationale de recherche de Russie lui a été conféré en 2009, après un concours inter-universitaire.
Elle est connue à l'international sous le nom de Higher School of Economics (HSE).
Outre Moscou, l'école possède trois campus-filiales : à Saint-Pétersbourg, Nijni Novgorod et Perm.
Régulièrement classée dans le Top 100 des meilleures universités mondiales selon le QS World University Rankings, elle est la seconde plus réputée4 de Russie.

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