- From www.coursera.org
Learn to Program: The Fundamentals
Subtitles available
28 h
This content is rated 4.5 out of 5

- Self-paced
- Free Access
- Fee-based Certificate
- 7 Sequences
- Introductive Level
- Субтитры доступны на Kazakh, Italian, Persian
Course details
- Week 1 - Python, Variables, and Functions
This module gives an overview of the course, the editor we will use to write programs, and an introduction to fundamental concepts in Python including variables, mathematical expressions, and functions. - Week 2 - Strings and Designing Functions
This module introduces strings (a Python data type used to represent text), and a process to follow when creating a function. - Week 3 - Booleans, Import, Namespaces, and if Statements
This module introduces Booleans (logical values True and False), how to convert between types, how to use Boolean expressions in if statements to selectively run code, and the concept of a Python module. - Week 4 - For Loops and Fancy String Manipulation
This module introduces one way to repeat code (using a for loop), how to manipulate strings, and how to use a debugger to watch a program execute step by step. - Week 5 - While Loops, Lists, and Mutability
This module introduces another way to repeat code (using a while loop), how to properly document your code to help other programmers understand it, Python's list data type, and the concept of mutation. - Week 6 - For Loops Over Indices, Parallel and Nested Lists and Strings, and Files
This module introduces how to use a for loop over the indexes of a list, how to nest lists, and how to read a write files. - Week 7 - Tuples and Dictionaries
This module introduces tuples (an immutable version of lists), and Python's dictionary type.
Jennifer Campbell
Associate Professor, Teaching Stream
Department of Computer Science
Paul Gries
Associate Professor, Teaching Stream
Department of Computer Science
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