Functional Programming Principles in Scala

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30 h
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  • Free Access
  • Fee-based Certificate
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  • 6 Sequences
  • Intermediate Level
  • Субтитры доступны на Korean, Serbian, French

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  • Week 1 - Getting Started + Functions & Evaluation
    Get up and running with Scala on your computer. Complete an example assignment to familiarize yourself with our unique way of submitting assignments. In this week, we'll learn the difference between functional imperative programming. We step through the basics...
  • Week 2 - Higher Order Functions
    This week, we'll learn about functions as first-class values, and higher order functions. We'll also learn about Scala's syntax and how it's formally defined. Finally, we'll learn about methods, classes, and data abstraction through the design of a data struct...
  • Week 3 - Data and Abstraction
    This week, we'll cover traits, and we'll learn how to organize classes into hierarchies. We'll cover the hierarchy of standard Scala types, and see how to organize classes and traits into packages. Finally, we'll touch upon the different sorts of polymorphism ...
  • Week 4 - Types and Pattern Matching
    This week we'll learn about the relationship between functions and objects in Scala; functions *are* objects! We'll zoom in on Scala's type system, covering subtyping and generics, and moving on to more advanced aspects of Scala's type system like variance. Fi...
  • Week 5 - Lists
    This week we dive into Lists, the most commonly-used data structure in Scala.
  • Week 6 - Collections
    After a deep-dive into Lists, this week we'll explore other data structures; vectors, maps, ranges, arrays, and more. We'll dive into Scala's powerful and flexible for-comprehensions for querying data.




Martin Odersky
Computer Science


L'École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) est une université de recherche située à Lausanne, en Suisse, spécialisée dans les sciences physiques et l'ingénierie.

L'École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne est l'une des deux écoles polytechniques fédérales suisses. Elle a été fondée par le gouvernement fédéral suisse avec la mission suivante :

former des ingénieurs et des scientifiques au plus haut niveau international
être un centre national d'excellence en science et en technologie
Fournir un centre d'interaction entre la communauté scientifique et l'industrie.
L'EPFL est considérée comme l'une des universités les plus prestigieuses au monde dans le domaine de l'ingénierie et des sciences. Elle est classée 17e au classement général et 10e dans le domaine de l'ingénierie dans le QS World University Rankings 2015 ; 34e au classement général et 12e dans le domaine de l'ingénierie dans le Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2015.


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