Principles of Valuation: Risk and Return

Principles of Valuation: Risk and Return

60 h
This content is rated 4.5 out of 5
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  • Self-paced
  • Free Access
  • Fee-based Certificate
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  • 6 Sequences
  • Intermediate Level

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Course details


  • Week 1 - Overview of Specialization & Course
    This module contains detailed videos and syllabi of both the Specialization and this course. This specialization has been designed to enable you to learn and apply the powerful tools of modern finance to both personal and professional situations. The courses w...
  • Week 1 - Module 1
    Risk and return is best understood in a real context; we will therefore spend the first module on understanding the most common vehicle of investment: bonds.
  • Week 2 - Module 2
    This second module will be spent understanding the features and valuation of stocks.
  • Week 3 - Module 3
    In this module, we will develop a theory of risk based on the intuitive concept of diversification. Since knowledge of Statistics is key to understanding risk, we will introduce some important concepts of applications.
  • Week 4 - Module 4
    In this module, we will introduce one of the most widely known models called CAPM (Capital Asset Pricing Model), which provides a simple and powerful relation between risk and return.
  • Week 5 - Module 5
    This week will be spent on a short wrap video of the course and time for assimilation and review by learners to be prepared to take the final exams. In the past, learners have really valued this time and hence it is built into this on-demand structure as well.
  • Week 6 - Module 6
    This is finals week. Please note that there are two exams and you need to attempt both.




Gautam Kaul
Professor of Finance & Fred M. Taylor Professor of Business Administration
Ross School of Business


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